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The YUI Custom Event System enables you to define and use events beyond those available in the DOM — events that are specific to and of interest in your own application. Custom Events are designed to work much like DOM events. They can bubble, pass event facades, have their propagation and default behaviors suppressed, etc.

The APIs for working with custom events are provided by the EventTarget class. All other infrastructure classes extend EventTarget, but if you just need the custom event APIs, you can extend or augment your classes with EventTarget directly.

DEPRECATION NOTE: The subscribers and afters properties which used to sit on CustomEvent object instances have been deprecated and removed for performance reasons as of the 3.7.0 release.

If you're referring to the subscribers or afters properties directly just to access the set of subscribers, consider switching to the public getSubs() method instead which hides you from the implementation details.

If you have a use case which requires you to access the above properties directly you can set Y.CustomEvent.keepDeprecatedSubs to true, to restore them, but you will incur a performance hit if you enable this flag.

Getting Started

To include the source files for EventTarget and its dependencies, first load the YUI seed file if you haven't already loaded it.

<script src="http://yui.yahooapis.com/3.18.1/build/yui/yui-min.js"></script>

Next, create a new YUI instance for your application and populate it with the modules you need by specifying them as arguments to the YUI().use() method. YUI will automatically load any dependencies required by the modules you specify.

// Create a new YUI instance and populate it with the required modules.
YUI().use('event-custom', function (Y) {
    // EventTarget is available and ready for use. Add implementation
    // code here.

For more information on creating YUI instances and on the use() method, see the documentation for the YUI Global Object.

Video Overview

This video from YUIConf 2009 gives a good overview of the YUI event system API. The content covers DOM and custom events. Note: the synthetic event system was updated since this video.

The Basics

You can get started using custom events and the EventTarget API without creating your own class. The YUI instance (typically Y) is an EventTarget, as is pretty much every other class in YUI. We'll go over the basics using Y, then move into creating your own EventTargets.

If you've looked over the DOM Event system docs, this should look very familiar. That's because Nodes are also EventTargets.

Subscribing to Events

// Custom events can have any name you want
Y.on('anyOldNameYouWant', function () {
    alert("Looky there!");

// Group subscriptions by passing an object or array to on()
    somethingImportant: updateCalendar,
    birthday          : eatCake,
    weekendEnd        : backToTheGrindstone

// Some events have prefixes
Y.once("fuji:available", climb);

// Custom events have distinct "after" moments
Y.after("spa-category|pedicure", gelatoTime);

All EventTargets host methods on, once, after, and onceAfter. Both once and onceAfter will automatically detach the subscription after the callback is executed the first time. All subscription methods return a subscription object called an EventHandle. The distinction between on and after is discussed in the "after" phase section below.

Firing Events

// All subscribers to the myapp:ready event will be executed

// Pass along relevant data to the callbacks as arguments
Y.fire('birthday', {
    name: 'Walt Disney',
    birthdate: new Date(1901, 11, 5)

Notify event subscribers by calling fire( eventName ), passing any extra data about the event as additional arguments. Though fire accepts any number of arguments, it is preferable to send all event data in an object passed as the second argument. Doing so avoids locking your code into a specific fire and callback signature.

// Subscription callbacks receive fire() arguments
Y.on('birthday', function (name, birthdate) {
    var age = new Date().getFullYear() - birthdate.getFullYear();
    alert('Happy ' + age + ', ' + name + '!');

// Possible, but not recommended
Y.fire('birthday', 'A. A. Milne', new Date(1882, 0, 18));

// Instead, try to always pass only one object with all data
Y.on('birthday', function (e) {
    var age = new Date().getFullYear() - e.birthdate.getFullYear();
    alert('Happy ' + age + ', ' + e.name + '!');

Y.fire('birthday', {
    name: '"Uncle" Walt Whitman',
    birthdate: new Date(1819, 4, 31)

In the world of DOM events, the fire step is something the browser is responsible for. A typical model involves the browser receiving keyboard input from the user and firing keydown, keyup, and keypress events. Custom events put your code in the position of dispatching events in response to criteria that are relavant to your objects or application.

Callback arguments and event facades

// Simple notification events don't send event objects, only fire() data
Y.on('talkie', function (data) {
    alert('(' + data.time + ') Walkie ' + data.message);
    // data.preventDefault is not defined. data is just a plain object

Y.fire('talkie', {
    message: 'roger, over.',
    time: new Date()

// Events configured to emitFacade will send an event object, merged with
// fire() data
Y.publish('bill:due', {
    emitFacade: true,
    defaultFn : payUp

Y.on('bill:due', function (e) {
    // Event facades have standard properties and methods as well as properties
    // from payload data passed to fire()
    if (e.payee === 'Rich Uncle Sal') {
        e.preventDefault(); // the `payUp` method won't be called (Sal can wait)

// Objects passed as the second argument to fire() for facade events will have
// their properties merged onto the facade received by the callback.
Y.fire('bill:due', {
    payee: 'Great Aunt Myra',
    amount: 20

Custom event callbacks are usually, but not always passed an EventFacade as their first argument. Custom events can be configured to send event facades or only the data they were fired with. Always passing event data in an object as the second argument to fire allows you to write all your callbacks to expect event data as a single first argument, whether it's an EventFacade or just a plain object. The emitFacade and defaultFn configurations are detailed below, in Publishing Events.

Detaching Event Subscriptions

// Subscription methods return a subscription handle...
var subscription = Y.on('myapp:ready', initComponents);

// ...with a detach method

// Or detach by signature
Y.detach('myapp:ready', initComponents);

// Or by subscription category
Y.on('spa-category|pedicure', gelatoTime);

// Detach subscriptions to all events in the spa-category subscription group

The preferred method of detaching subscriptions is to use the EventHandle that is returned from the subscription methods. Alternately you can use the detach or detachAll methods which work as described in the Event user guide.

Extending EventTarget

Add the EventTarget APIs onto any class using Y.augment().

function MyClass() {
    /* insert constructor logic here */

MyClass.prototype = {
    add: function (item) {
        // You can assume the APIs are available from your class instances
        this.fire("addItem", { item: item });

// Make MyClass an EventTarget
Y.augment(MyClass, Y.EventTarget);

var instance = new MyClass();
instance.on('addItem', function (e) {
    alert("Yay, I'm adding " + e.item);

instance.add('a new item'); // ==> "Yay, I'm adding a new item"

Y.augment works like a lazy extend or a mixin. It adds the APIs to the host class, but on the first call to any of the methods, it calls the EventTarget constructor on the instance to make sure the necessary internal objects are ready for use. If your class extends another, augmenting it won't interfere with that inheritance hierarchy.

EventTargets can be set up with a number of default configurations for the events they fire. Pass the defaults as the fourth argument to Y.augment.

// Make all events fired from MyClass instances send an event facade
Y.augment(MyClass, Y.EventTarget, true, null, {
    emitFacade: true

Publishing Events

Some custom event configurations can be defaulted from class configuration, but others need to be specified on a per-event basis. Use the publish method to do this.

// publish takes an event name and a configuration object
Y.publish('somethingSpecial', {
    emitFacade: true,
    broadcast: 2,
    defaultFn: clapClapHallelujah,
    fireOnce: true

Event Facades

The most common configuration for custom events is emitFacade. This is because with the event facades comes a lot of additional functionality, such as preventable default behaviors and bubbling.

function Recipe() {
    // publishing events is typically done at instantiation
    this.publish('add', {
        emitFacade: true,
        defaultFn: this._defAddFn

Event facades mirror the event objects you're familiar with from the DOM. They have properties like e.type and e.target and the same methods, allowing you to call e.preventDefault() to disable default behavior you've configured for the event or e.stopPropagation() to stop the event from bubbling.

var gruel = new Recipe();

gruel.on('add', function (e) {
    if (e.item === "brussel sprouts") {
        // call e.preventDefault() just as you would for DOM events
        e.preventDefault(); // brussel sprouts? eww!

emitFacade is typically passed as a default configuration to Y.augment. All other YUI infrastructure classes extend EventTarget and set emitFacade to true for you.

Y.extend(MyClass, Y.Base, {
    add: function (item) {
        // This will fire with an event facade because Y.Base sets emitFacade to true
        this.fire('addItem', { item: item });

fireOnce Events

Important, typically system-level or lifecycle related events can be configured as fireOnce. These events mimic things like window.onload or the domready event.

Widget.prototype.render = function (where) {

    // Widget rendering only happens once
    this.publish('render', {
        defaultFn: this._defRenderFn,
        fireOnce: true,

    this.fire('render', ...);

After fireOnce events have been fire()d, any subsequent (late) subscriptions are immediately executed. This can introduce race conditions, however, since subscribers might expect to be called at a later time, after the code that follows the subscription has also executed. In this case, you can configure fireOnce events with the async flag and post-fire subscriptions will be executed in a setTimeout, allowing all subsequent code to run before the late subscriber is notified.

Y.publish('myapp:ready', {
    fireOnce: true

// ... elsewhere in the code
// If myapp:ready has been fired, setStuffUp executes right now, but might
// expect MyApp.Stuff to be created already.  So, boom.
Y.on('myapp:ready', setStuffUp);

MyApp.Stuff = {};

Y.publish('myapp:ready', {
    fireOnce: true,
    async   : true

// ... elsewhere in the code
// Even if myapp:ready has been fired, setStuffUp will execute later. So, no boom
Y.on('myapp:ready', setStuffUp);

MyApp.Stuff = {};

Bubbling Events

Events that are configured with emitFacade support bubbling to other EventTargets, allowing you to subscribe to them from other objects, much like DOM event bubbling. Add other EventTargets to an instance's bubble path with addTarget.

function LeafNode() { ... }

LeafNode.prototype.rename = function (newName) {
    var oldName = this.name;
    this.name   = newName;

    this.fire("update", {
        prevVal: oldName,
        newVal : newName

function TreeNode() { ... }

TreeNode.prototype.add = function (node) {

    // The new child node's events will bubble to this TreeNode

Y.augment(LeafNode, Y.EventTarget, true, null, { emitFacade: true });
Y.augment(TreeNode, Y.EventTarget, true, null, { emitFacade: true });

var rootNode = new TreeNode("ROOT"),
    branchA  = new TreeNode("branchA"),
    leaf1    = new LeafNode("leaf1");

rootNode.add(branchA);                 //            ROOT
rootNode.add( new LeafNode("leaf2") ); //           /    \
                                       //      branchA   leaf2
branchA.add(leaf1);                    //     /       \
branchA.add( new LeafNode("leaf3") );  //  leaf1     leaf3

// Subscribe to 'update' events from any leaf or tree node under root
rootNode.on('update', function (e) {
    alert(e.prevVal + " has been renamed " + e.newVal);

leaf1.rename("Flower!"); // ==> "leaf1 has been renamed Flower!"

Event Prefixes

Individual events or all events fired by an EventTarget can be configured to include a prefix to help filter subscriptions to common event names by their origin. Prefixed event names look like 'prefix:eventName'.

Taking the code snippet above, configuring a default prefix while augmenting the classes will allow for subscription to only LeafNode updates.

// All events fired by LeafNode instances will be prefixed with "leaf:"
Y.augment(LeafNode, Y.EventTarget, true, null, {
    emitFacade: true,
    prefix: 'leaf'
// ...and for TreeNodes, "tree:"
Y.augment(TreeNode, Y.EventTarget, true, null, {
    emitFacade: true,
    prefix: 'tree'


// Listen specifically for changes from LeafNodes
rootNode.on('leaf:update', function (e) {
    alert(e.prevVal + " has been renamed " + e.newVal);

leaf1.rename("Flower!"); // ==> "leaf1 has been renamed Flower!"
branchA.rename("Chewbacca!"); // (nothing)

Subscribing with prefixes is similar to using DOM event delegation, though it is done using on() rather than delegate().

Optionally, you can omit the prefix when subscribing on the object that fires the event.

// prefix is optional when subscribing on the firing object...
leaf1.on('leaf:update', worksJustLike);
leaf1.on('update', function (e) {
    e.type; // 'leaf:update' -- the event type will remain prefixed

// ...but prefixes are required from other objects
rootNode.on('update', function (e) {
    // will not capture leaf:update events

Subscribe to all events of a specific type, regardless of prefix, using the wildcard prefix *:eventName.

// Execute the callback if either the group object or one of its items fires an
// `update` event
rootNode.on('*:update', function (e) {
    switch (e.type) {
        case "leaf:update": ...
        case "tree:update": ...

Adding Default Behavior

Custom events can be bound to behaviors just like DOM events (e.g. clicking on a link causes navigation to a new page). This is especially useful when doing CRUD operations that you want to expose to other objects in your system to prevent, alter, or enhance.

Add a default behavior to an event by configuring the event's defaultFn. By convention, default functions are named _def(the name of the event)Fn.

function TreeNode(name) {
    this.name   = name;
    this._items = [];

    // Event publishing is typically done during instantiation
    this.publish('add', {
        defaultFn: this._defAddFn

// Adding a child node is an interesting mutation operation. Move the mutation
// logic from the method to a mutation event's default behavior
TreeNode.prototype.add = function (node) {
    this.fire('add', { newNode: node });

// Default functions receive the event facade like other subscribers
TreeNode.prototype._defAddFn = function (e) {



branchA.add(leaf1); // without 'add' subscriptions, the behavior is the same

Unless configured with preventable: false, default behaviors can be disabled with e.preventDefault() just like the DOM. Unlike their DOM counterparts, though, event subscribers can change facade properties to alter the default behavior by way of effectively changing its input.

TreeNode.prototype.add = function (node) {
    this.fire('add', {
        newNode: node,
        bubbleEvents: true

// Default functions receive the event facade like other subscribers
TreeNode.prototype._defAddFn = function (e) {

    if (e.bubbleEvents) {


// You can prevent default behavior from anywhere along the bubble path
rootNode.on('tree:add', function (e) {
    if (e.newNode.name === "Leafy") {
    } else if (e.newNode.name === "James Bond") {
        e.bubbleEvents = false; // Shhhh

rootNode.add( new LeafNode("Leafy") ); // Node NOT added
rootNode.add( new LeafNode("James Bond") ); // Node added without event bubbling

Broadcasting Events to Y or Between YUI instances

Event broadcasting is very similar to bubbling, but with some important distinctions:

  1. Broadcasting is specific to the YUI instance and the Y.Global shared EventTarget
  2. Events don't need to be configured with emitFacade to broadcast
  3. Broadcasting happens after the default behavior, which also means...
  4. Event behavior can't be prevented from broadcast subscribers
  5. Broadcast can be defaulted for all events for an EventTarget

Broadcasting is essentially a "fast track" bubbling configuration allowing you to specify that events can be subscribed to from the YUI instance (with broadcast: 1) or from Y.Global (with broadcast: 2).

// All events from instances of MyClass can be subscribed from Y.on()
Y.augment(MyClass, Y.EventTarget, true, null, {
    emitFacade: true,
    prefix: 'awesome',
    broadcast: 1

// Respond to a 'thing' event from any instance of MyClass in the YUI sandbox
Y.on('awesome:song', partyOn);

var instance = new MyClass()

instance.fire("song", { which: "Bohemian Rhapsody", whom: "Wayne" });

Y.Global is an EventTarget that is shared between all YUI instances, allowing cross-sandbox communication. To avoid feedback loops, it's best to add an instance identity to outgoing events and only respond to incoming events from other identities.

YUI().use('node', 'event-custom', function (Y) {
    var id = "Alpha Beta Base"; // probably Y.guid() would be safer

    Y.Global.on('message', function (e) {
        if (e.origin !== id) {
            alert("message received from " + e.origin + ": " + e.message);

            murdock.fire("message", {
                message: "We'll get you down.  And down safe.",
                origin: id

    function Character() {
        this.publish('message', { broadcast: 2 });

    Y.augment(Character, Y.EventTarget, true, null, {
        emitFacade: true

    var murdock = new Character();

    Y.one('#status').on('click', function () {
        murdock.fire("message", {
            message: "You're coming in too fast!",
            origin: id

YUI().use('node', 'event-custom', function (OtherY) {
    var id = "Lunar Shuttle";

    OtherY.Global.on('message', function (e) {
        if (e.origin !== id) {
            alert("message received from " + e.origin + ": " + e.message);

    function Character() {
        this.publish('message', { broadcast: 2 });

    OtherY.augment(Character, OtherY.EventTarget, true, null, {
        emitFacade: true

    var striker = new Character()

    OtherY.one('#report').on('click', function () {
        striker.fire("message", {
            message: "She's beginning to crack up",
            origin: id

Available Event Configurations and Defaults

Events can be configured with the following properties. Properties marked as "Class Configurable" can be passed to the EventTarget constructor configuration to default for all events.

Configuration Description Default Class Configurable?
prefix e.type will always include the configured prefix. Details above. (empty) YES
context The default this object to execute callbacks with. Rarely set. The instance YES
emitFacade If true, sends event facades to callbacks, allows bubbling and default functions, etc. This is commonly set to true for a class. Details above. false YES
fireOnce If true, events will only fire once. Subscriptions made after firing will be immediately executed. Details above. false YES
broadcast Details above. Fire the event from:
  • 0 - Only the EventTarget instance
  • 1 - The EventTarget and the YUI instance (Y)
  • 2 - The EventTarget, Y, and Y.Global
bubbles For events configured to emitFacade allow bubbling events to other EventTargets. true YES
defaultFn Behavior associated with the event. Usually this is preventable (see preventable below). Details above. (none)  
preventable If set to false, e.preventDefault() will not disable execution of the event's defaultFn. true  

Behavior associated with the event when e.preventDefault() is called from a subscriber. Use this function to reset partially applied transactional state.

Incompatible with preventable: false.

stoppedFn Behavior associated with the event when e.stopPropagation() is called from a subscriber. Seldom used. (none)  
async Only applicable to events also configured with fireOnce: true. If true, new subscriptions to this event after it has already been fired will be queued to execute in a setTimeout instead of immediately (synchronously). false  

The "after" phase

Unlike DOM events, custom events also expose an "after" phase that corresponds to the time immediately after an event's default behavior executes. Subscribe to an event's "after" phase with the after(...) method. The signature is the same as on(...).

rootNode.after('tree:add', calc.updateTotals, calc);

The primary benefit of using after() subscriptions over on() subscriptions is that if any on() subscribers call e.preventDefault(), neither the event's configured defaultFn nor the after() subscribers will be executed. If an after() subscription is executed, you know that the defaultFn did as well.

Use after() to subscribe to events with a default behavior when you want to react to the event with a side effect.

Use on() to subscribe to events if you need to prevent or alter the default behavior or if they don't have default behavior.

Event Lifecycle

The order of operations when firing an event is as follows:

Simple Events (no facade)

  1. on() subscribers are executed
  2. after() subscribers are executed
  3. Y.on() broadcast subscribers are executed.
  4. Y.after() broadcast subscribers are executed.
  5. Y.Global.on() broadcast subscribers are executed.
  6. Y.Global.after() broadcast subscribers are executed.

If an on() or after() subscriber returns false, no more subscribers will be notified.

Complex Events (with facade)

  1. on() subscribers are executed
  2. on() subscribers for each bubble target and their respective targets are executed until all targets' bubble paths are walked or a subscriber stops the propagation of the event.
  3. If the event was prevented, any configured preventedFn will execute.
  4. If not prevented, any configured defaultFn will execute.
  5. If bubbling was stopped, any configured stoppedFn will execute.
  6. Y.on() broadcast subscribers are executed.
  7. Y.after() broadcast subscribers are executed.
  8. Y.Global.on() broadcast subscribers are executed.
  9. Y.Global.after() broadcast subscribers are executed.
  10. after() subscribers are executed.
  11. after() subscribers for each bubble target and their respective targets are executed.

The flow can be interrupted by on() subscribers doing any of these things:

  1. The defaultFn will not be executed
  2. The preventedFn will execute
  3. No after() subscriptions will be executed
  1. The remainder of subscribers at this EventTarget WILL execute
  2. No bubble targets of this EventTarget will be notified
  3. The stoppedFn will execute
  4. The defaultFn and after() subscribers will execute
Same as e.stopPropagation() except no more subscribers at this EventTarget will execute.
Same as e.preventDefault() plus e.stopPropagation().
Same as e.preventDefault() plus e.stopImmediatePropagation().
return false
Same as e.halt(true). Not recommended. Use the API methods.