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The Internationalization utility supports the management of localized resources such as strings and formatting patterns.

Usage Scenarios for the Internationalization Utility

The YUI Internationalization utility supports externalization, that is, separating data that needs to change for different languages or markets from the code of a software product, so that the same code can be used worldwide.

Depending on the kind of software you create with YUI, you will interact with the Internationalization utility in different ways.

Monolingual Applications

Many applications using YUI are not internationalized themselves; they use one user interface language to target one market. However, such applications still want language-sensitive modules that they rely on to be internationalized and localized for their language. For example, an application using Chinese to target Hong Kong wants dates to be displayed in a Chinese format appropriate for Hong Kong, and so relies on the DataType utility to provide such formats.

If the modules that such an application uses support the language of the application, the problem is solved by simply requesting preferred languages. Otherwise, the application may be able to fill the gap by providing resources to modules.

Multilingual Applications

An application that's intended for users in different markets or using different languages has to be internationalized.

Primarily, this means developing its code in the form of internationalized modules, determining the preferred user interface language(s), requesting preferred languages, and possibly providing resources to modules.

Optionally, an application can provide a user interface element that lets the user switch languages on the fly.

Internationalized Modules

A module whose functionality is sensitive to different markets and languages and that's intended for use by multilingual applications or by different monolingual applications has to be internationalized.

Getting Started

To include the source files for Internationalization and its dependencies, first load the YUI seed file if you haven't already loaded it.

<script src="http://yui.yahooapis.com/3.18.1/build/yui/yui-min.js"></script>

Next, create a new YUI instance for your application and populate it with the modules you need by specifying them as arguments to the YUI().use() method. YUI will automatically load any dependencies required by the modules you specify.

// Create a new YUI instance and populate it with the required modules.
YUI().use('intl', function (Y) {
    // Internationalization is available and ready for use. Add implementation
    // code here.

For more information on creating YUI instances and on the use() method, see the documentation for the YUI Global Object.

Using the Internationalization Utility

Using BCP 47 Language Tags

BCP 47 language tags are the identifiers for languages used on the internet. BCP stands for IETF Best Current Practice, and BCP 47 is currently the combination of RFC 5646 and RFC 4647. These tags allow the description of languages in varying levels of detail, from "Chinese" ("zh") to "Chinese written in traditional characters as used in Taiwan" ("zh-Hant-TW") and more. Typical components ("subtags") are ISO 639 language codes, ISO 15924 script codes, and ISO 3166 country codes. Subtags are separated by hyphens.

Here are the language tags for some popular languages:

Language TagDescription
zh-Hans-CNChinese, simplified characters, China
hi-INHindi, India
en-USEnglish, U.S.A.
id-IDIndonesian, Indonesia
pt-BRPortuguese, Brazil
ru-RURussian, Russia
ja-JPJapanese, Japan
es-MXSpanish, Mexico

BCP 47 also defines a "Lookup" algorithm, which is commonly used to determine the best language for a user interface. Its input is an ordered list of languages that the user prefers, and the list of languages that the software supports. When looking for a language, the algorithm uses a fallback that successively simplifies a language tag. For example, when looking for a requested "zh-Hans-CN", it also checks whether "zh-Hans" or "zh" are available.

The Internationalization utility provides the Lookup algorithm as the Intl.lookupBestLang method, and the YUI loader uses it to determine the best language based on an application's request and a module's language support.

When requesting a language, it's generally a good idea to be specific and include the country, because in some cases the differences between countries are significant. For example, "3/5/10" means "March 5, 2010" in U.S. English, but "3 May 2010" in British English.

When providing language support, on the other hand, you should also support the less specific variant without country ("en", "es", "zh-Hans", etc.), so that the fallback finds something when a request includes a country that you don't support. Where the usage in different countries using the same language diverges siginificantly, try to be neutral, e.g., by formatting dates in ISO notation as 2010-03-05.

Internationalizing Applications

Requesting Preferred Languages

When creating a YUI instance, you can specify a list of preferred languages.

For a monolingual application, this list starts with the user interface language of the application, but it may include other languages that users are likely to understand, in case a module doesn't support the preferred language. For example, an application in Arabic for Morocco might specify French as a second choice since French is widely spoken in Morocco.

A multilingual application might maintain user language preferences as part of the application, derive the preference list from the Accept-Language header provided by the browser, or determine the list in some other fashion.

The preference list is specified as the lang property of the YUI instance's config object. The YUI instance uses it to select the best available language for each module and load the necessary resource bundles.

// Create new YUI instance, specify preferred languages,
// and populate it with the required modules
YUI({lang:"ar-MA,fr-FR"}).use('datatype-date', function(Y) {

    // DataType available, and hopefully localized into one of the preferred languages


Providing Resources to Modules

In some cases, a module is internationalized, but doesn't have a resource bundle for the desired language. It may however have specified the contents of the resource bundle needed. In such a case, the application can register a resource bundle for its language with the Internationalization utility and set the language of that module.

For example, date formatting in the DataType utility has support for a large number of languages built in, but Punjabi is not one of them. If you need date formatting for Punjabi, you can provide a resource bundle for this language (see the DataType documentation for information on the contents of the resource bundle):

YUI().use("intl", "datatype-date-format", function(Y) {
    // provide data for Punjabi in India
    Y.Intl.add("datatype-date-format", "pa-IN", {
            "c":"%a, %Y %b %d %l:%M:%S %p %Z",
            "X":"%l:%M:%S %p"
    // switch to Punjabi
    Y.Intl.setLang("datatype-date-format", "pa-IN");
    // now dates are formatted in Punjabi
    alert(Y.DataType.Date.format(new Date(), {format:"%A %x %X"}));

Switching Languages

Some applications let the user change the user interface language on the fly. The Internationalization utility offers some low-level support for this:

  • Applications that want to make the languages offered reflect the actually available languages in one or more modules can obtain the necessary information from Intl.getAvailableLangs.
  • Once a new language has been selected, the application can load the required resource bundles and call Intl.setLang to switch localizable modules to the new language.
  • Modules that have language sensitive behavior, whether relying on their own resource bundles or on other modules', can listen to intl:langChange events to find out about language changes.

The Formatting Dates Using Language Resource Bundles example shows how to use these interfaces.

Internationalizing Modules

Externalizing Resources

Externalization means moving all language-sensitive data into external data files, also known as "resource bundles". Most of this data will be user interface strings that have to be translated, but there may also be patterns strings, font names, or other items. Resource bundles store this data as simple key-value pairs.

The first resource bundle you always have to provide for an internationalized module is the root bundle, identified by the empty language tag "" and using the bundle name lang/module. This is the bundle that will be used when an application requests a language that your module does not support. Additional languages are identified by their BCP 47 language tags, and their resource bundles use the names lang/module_language.

If you've used resource bundles in Java or other internationalization libraries, you may be familiar with the fallback mechanisms in their ResourceBundle classes. These do not exist in YUI, so that the loader doesn't have to load multiple bundles. As a consequence, each YUI resource bundle must provide the complete set of key-value pairs that the module needs.

YUI currently supports two source formats for resource bundles: JSON-style JavaScript source files, and Yahoo Resource Bundle format.

In JSON-style format, a resource bundle is a simple object whose properties represent the bundle's key-value pairs. Source files use the JavaScript suffix ".js" and can contain comments, so that you can provide localizers with the information they need for correct localization. Here is a family of JSON files providing the same set of strings in English, German, and simplified Chinese:

English (root) GermanSimplified Chinese
File greetings.js greetings_de.js greetings_zh-Hans.js
  HELLO: "Hello!",
  GOODBYE: "Goodbye!"
  HELLO: "Hallo!",
  GOODBYE: "Tschüß!"
  HELLO: "你好!",
  GOODBYE: "再见!"

The Yahoo Resource Bundles format is a simple text format for resource bundles that Yahoo open-sourced in 2009. It uses the file name suffix ".pres". Here are the same resource bundles as above in YRB format:

English (root) German Simplified Chinese
File greetings.pres greetings_de.pres greetings_zh-Hans.pres
HELLO = Hello!
GOODBYE = Goodbye!
HELLO = Hallo!
GOODBYE = Tschüß!
HELLO = 你好!

Packaging Resources

The YUI loader expects resource bundles in a specific format. If you use Shifter to build your module, resource bundles in JSON or YRB format will be automatically converted into the format expected by the loader. All you have to do is provide the source files in the src/module/lang/ directory and add the lang keys to the JSON file under src/module/meta/.

If you use some other build process, you have to produce JavaScript files in the following format:

YUI.add("lang/greetings_zh-Hans", function(Y) {


        "greetings",     // associated module
        "zh-Hans",       // BCP 47 language tag

        // key-value pairs for this module and language
            HELLO: "你好!",
            GOODBYE: "再见!"
}, "3.18.1");

Specifying Available Languages

The YUI loader also needs to be told that your module uses resource bundles, and for which languages it has resource bundles available. You provide this information as the lang property of the module meta data:

modules: {
    "greetings": {
        lang: ["de", "zh-Hans"]

Obtaining Resources

To access its resources, a module simply calls Intl.get with its module name. When instantiating YUI, the application will have requested its user interface language, so Intl.get will return the appropriate localized resource bundle.

function Greetings() {
    // Get localized strings in the current language
    this.resources = Y.Intl.get("greetings");

Greetings.prototype = {

    hello: function() {
        return this.resources.HELLO;

    goodbye: function() {
        return this.resources.GOODBYE;

Yahoo Resource Bundle Format

The Yahoo Resource Bundle (YRB) format is a simple text format for resource bundles. It's similar to Java properties files, but based on UTF-8 and with additional heredoc support.

  • Files are encoded in UTF-8. The first line may be prefixed with a byte order mark (BOM).
  • Lines whose first non-whitespace character is “#” are comment lines and are ignored.
  • Lines that contain only whitespace characters and are not part of a heredoc string are ignored.
  • Key-value definitions come in two forms:
    • The simple form has a key string, followed by “=”, followed by the value, all on one line. The tokens may or may not be surrounded by whitespace characters. Leading and trailing whitespace is trimmed from both key and value. The value cannot start with "<<<"; for values starting with this character sequence, use the heredoc form.
    • The heredoc form starts with a key string, followed by “=”, followed by “<<<”, followed by an identifier, all on one line. The tokens may or may not be surrounded by whitespace characters Leading and trailing whitespace is trimmed from both key and identifier. The heredoc form ends with a termination line that contains only the identifier, possibly followed by a semicolon. The lines between these two lines, except comment lines, form the heredoc string. The line break before the termination line is removed, all other line breaks are preserved.
  • Lines that are not comment lines, whitespace lines, or part of a key-value definition are illegal.
  • The following escape sequences are recognized in values:
    • “\\” stands for “\”.
    • “\n” stands for the newline character, U+000A.
    • “\t” stands for the horizontal tab character, U+0009.
    • “\ ” stands for the space character, U+0020. This is only needed if the value of a key-value pair starts or ends with a space character.
    • “\#” stands for the number sign character, U+0023. This is only needed if a line within a heredoc string starts with this character.
  • A sequence of “\” followed by a character not listed above is illegal. A “\” immediately preceding the end of the file is illegal.
  • Only the characters horizontal tab, U+0009, and space, U+0020, are considered whitespace.