API Docs for: 3.10.3

Test.ArrayAssert Class

Module: test

The ArrayAssert object provides functions to test JavaScript array objects for a variety of cases.

Item Index



  • haystack
  • needle
Int private

Simple indexOf() implementation for an array. Defers to native if available.


  • haystack Array

    The array to search.

  • needle Variant

    The value to locate.


Int: The index of the needle if found or -1 if not.


  • haystack
  • matcher
Boolean private

Simple some() implementation for an array. Defers to native if available.


  • haystack Array

    The array to search.

  • matcher Function

    The function to run on each value.


Boolean: True if any value, when run through the matcher, returns true.


  • needle
  • haystack
  • message

Asserts that a value is present in an array. This uses the triple equals sign so no type coercion may occur.


  • needle Object

    The value that is expected in the array.

  • haystack Array

    An array of values.

  • message String

    (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.


  • needles
  • haystack
  • message

Asserts that a set of values are present in an array. This uses the triple equals sign so no type coercion may occur. For this assertion to pass, all values must be found.


  • needles Object[]

    An array of values that are expected in the array.

  • haystack Array

    An array of values to check.

  • message String

    (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.


  • matcher
  • haystack
  • message

Asserts that a value matching some condition is present in an array. This uses a function to determine a match.


  • matcher Function

    A function that returns true if the items matches or false if not.

  • haystack Array

    An array of values.

  • message String

    (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.


  • needle
  • haystack
  • message

Asserts that a value is not present in an array. This uses the triple equals Asserts that a value is not present in an array. This uses the triple equals sign so no type coercion may occur.


  • needle Object

    The value that is expected in the array.

  • haystack Array

    An array of values.

  • message String

    (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.


  • needles
  • haystack
  • message

Asserts that a set of values are not present in an array. This uses the triple equals sign so no type coercion may occur. For this assertion to pass, all values must not be found.


  • needles Object[]

    An array of values that are not expected in the array.

  • haystack Array

    An array of values to check.

  • message String

    (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.


  • matcher
  • haystack
  • message

Asserts that no values matching a condition are present in an array. This uses a function to determine a match.


  • matcher Function

    A function that returns true if the item matches or false if not.

  • haystack Array

    An array of values.

  • message String

    (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.


  • needle
  • haystack
  • index
  • message

Asserts that the given value is contained in an array at the specified index. This uses the triple equals sign so no type coercion will occur.


  • needle Object

    The value to look for.

  • haystack Array

    The array to search in.

  • index Int

    The index at which the value should exist.

  • message String

    (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.


  • actual
  • message

Asserts that an array is empty.


  • actual Array

    The array to test.

  • message String

    (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.


  • actual
  • message

Asserts that an array is not empty.


  • actual Array

    The array to test.

  • message String

    (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.


  • expected
  • actual
  • message

Asserts that the values in an array are equal, and in the same position, as values in another array. This uses the double equals sign so type coercion may occur. Note that the array objects themselves need not be the same for this test to pass.


  • expected Array

    An array of the expected values.

  • actual Array

    Any array of the actual values.

  • message String

    (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.


  • expected
  • actual
  • comparator
  • message
Void static

Asserts that the values in an array are equivalent, and in the same position, as values in another array. This uses a function to determine if the values are equivalent. Note that the array objects themselves need not be the same for this test to pass.


  • expected Array

    An array of the expected values.

  • actual Array

    Any array of the actual values.

  • comparator Function

    A function that returns true if the values are equivalent or false if not.

  • message String

    (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.




  • expected
  • actual
  • message

Asserts that the values in an array are the same, and in the same position, as values in another array. This uses the triple equals sign so no type coercion will occur. Note that the array objects themselves need not be the same for this test to pass.


  • expected Array

    An array of the expected values.

  • actual Array

    Any array of the actual values.

  • message String

    (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.


  • needle
  • haystack
  • index
  • message

Asserts that the given value is contained in an array at the specified index, starting from the back of the array. This uses the triple equals sign so no type coercion will occur.


  • needle Object

    The value to look for.

  • haystack Array

    The array to search in.

  • index Int

    The index at which the value should exist.

  • message String

    (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.