* Provides string support for widget with BCP 47 language tag lookup. This module has been deprecated.
* It's replaced by the "intl" module which provides generic internationalization and BCP 47 language tag
* support with externalization.
* @module widget-locale
* @deprecated This module has been deprecated. It's replaced by the "intl" module which provides
* generic internationalization and BCP 47 language tag support with externalization.
var TRUE = true,
LOCALE = "locale",
INIT_VALUE = "initValue",
HYPHEN = "-",
Widget = Y.Widget;
* @attribute locale
* @deprecated Use Y.config.lang and Y.Intl externalization support
* @description
* The default locale for the widget. NOTE: Using get/set on the "strings" attribute will
* return/set strings for this locale.
* @default "en"
* @type String
Widget.ATTRS[LOCALE] = {
value: "en"
// Since strings support with locale needs the private _strs setup
Widget.ATTRS.strings.lazyAdd = false;
Y.mix(Widget.prototype, {
* Sets strings for a particular locale, merging with any existing
* strings which may already be defined for the locale.
* @method _setStrings
* @protected
* @param {Object} strings The hash of string key/values to set
* @param {Object} locale The locale for the string values being set
_setStrings : function(strings, locale) {
var strs = this._strs;
locale = locale.toLowerCase();
if (!strs[locale]) {
strs[locale] = {};
Y.aggregate(strs[locale], strings, TRUE);
return strs[locale];
* Returns the strings key/value hash for a paricular locale, without locale lookup applied.
* @method _getStrings
* @protected
* @param {Object} locale
_getStrings : function(locale) {
return this._strs[locale.toLowerCase()];
* Gets the entire strings hash for a particular locale, performing locale lookup.
* <p>
* If no values of the key are defined for a particular locale the value for the
* default locale (in initial locale set for the class) is returned.
* </p>
* @method getStrings
* @param {String} locale (optional) The locale for which the string value is required. Defaults to the current locale, if not provided.
// TODO: Optimize/Cache. Clear cache on _setStrings call.
getStrings : function(locale) {
locale = (locale || this.get(LOCALE)).toLowerCase();
Y.log("getStrings: For " + locale, "info", "widget");
var defLocale = this.getDefaultLocale().toLowerCase(),
defStrs = this._getStrings(defLocale),
strs = (defStrs) ? Y.merge(defStrs) : {},
localeSegments = locale.split(HYPHEN),
i, l,
// If locale is different than the default, or needs lookup support
if (locale !== defLocale || localeSegments.length > 1) {
lookup = EMPTY_STR;
for (i = 0, l = localeSegments.length; i < l; ++i) {
lookup += localeSegments[i];
Y.log("getStrings: Merging in strings from: " + lookup, "info", "widget");
localeStrs = this._getStrings(lookup);
if (localeStrs) {
Y.aggregate(strs, localeStrs, TRUE);
lookup += HYPHEN;
return strs;
* Gets the string for a particular key, for a particular locale, performing locale lookup.
* <p>
* If no values if defined for the key, for the given locale, the value for the
* default locale (in initial locale set for the class) is returned.
* </p>
* @method getString
* @param {String} key The key.
* @param {String} locale (optional) The locale for which the string value is required. Defaults to the current locale, if not provided.
getString : function(key, locale) {
locale = (locale || this.get(LOCALE)).toLowerCase();
Y.log("getString: For " + locale, "info", "widget");
var defLocale = (this.getDefaultLocale()).toLowerCase(),
strs = this._getStrings(defLocale) || {},
str = strs[key],
idx = locale.lastIndexOf(HYPHEN);
// If locale is different than the default, or needs lookup support
if (locale !== defLocale || idx != -1) {
do {
Y.log("getString: Performing lookup for: " + locale, "info", "widget");
strs = this._getStrings(locale);
if (strs && key in strs) {
str = strs[key];
idx = locale.lastIndexOf(HYPHEN);
// Chop of last locale segment
if (idx != -1) {
locale = locale.substring(0, idx);
} while (idx != -1);
return str;
* Returns the default locale for the widget (the locale value defined by the
* widget class, or provided by the user during construction).
* @method getDefaultLocale
* @return {String} The default locale for the widget
getDefaultLocale : function() {
return this._state.get(LOCALE, INIT_VALUE);
_strSetter : function(val) {
return this._setStrings(val, this.get(LOCALE));
_strGetter : function(val) {
return this._getStrings(this.get(LOCALE));
}, true);