API Docs for: 3.18.1

DataSchema.Array Class

Provides a DataSchema implementation which can be used to work with data stored in arrays.

See the apply method below for usage.

Item Index




  • fields
  • array_in
  • data_out
Object protected static

Schema-parsed list of results from full data


  • fields Array

    Schema to parse against.

  • array_in Array

    Array to parse.

  • data_out Object

    In-progress parsed data to update.



Parsed data object.


  • [schema]
  • data
Object static

Applies a schema to an array of data, returning a normalized object with results in the results property. The meta property of the response object is present for consistency, but is assigned an empty object. If the input data is absent or not an array, an error property will be added.

The input array is expected to contain objects, arrays, or strings.

If schema is not specified or schema.resultFields is not an array, response.results will be assigned the input array unchanged.

When a schema is specified, the following will occur:

If the input array contains strings, they will be copied as-is into the response.results array.

If the input array contains arrays, response.results will contain an array of objects with key:value pairs assuming the fields in schema.resultFields are ordered in accordance with the data array values.

If the input array contains objects, the identified schema.resultFields will be used to extract a value from those objects for the output result.

schema.resultFields field identifiers are objects with the following properties:

  • key : (required) The locator name (String)
  • parser: A function or the name of a function on Y.Parsers used
    to convert the input value into a normalized type.  Parser
    functions are passed the value as input and are expected to
    return a value.

If no value parsing is needed, you can use strings as identifiers instead of objects (see example below).


  • [schema] Object optional

    Schema to apply. Supported configuration properties are:

    • [resultFields] Array optional

      Field identifiers to locate/assign values in the response records. See above for details.

  • data Array

    Array data.



An Object with properties results and meta


// Process array of arrays
var schema = { resultFields: [ 'fruit', 'color' ] },
    data = [
        [ 'Banana', 'yellow' ],
        [ 'Orange', 'orange' ],
        [ 'Eggplant', 'purple' ]

var response = Y.DataSchema.Array.apply(schema, data);

// response.results[0] is { fruit: "Banana", color: "yellow" }

// Process array of objects
data = [
    { fruit: 'Banana', color: 'yellow', price: '1.96' },
    { fruit: 'Orange', color: 'orange', price: '2.04' },
    { fruit: 'Eggplant', color: 'purple', price: '4.31' }

response = Y.DataSchema.Array.apply(schema, data);

// response.results[0] is { fruit: "Banana", color: "yellow" }

// Use parsers
schema.resultFields = [
        key: 'fruit',
        parser: function (val) { return val.toUpperCase(); }
        key: 'price',
        parser: 'number' // Uses Y.Parsers.number

response = Y.DataSchema.Array.apply(schema, data);

// Note price was converted from a numeric string to a number
// response.results[0] looks like { fruit: "BANANA", price: 1.96 }


  • value
  • field

Applies field parser, if defined




Type-converted value.