API Docs for: 3.18.1

ModelSync.REST Class

Module: model-sync-rest
Parent Module: app

Available since 3.6.0

An extension which provides a RESTful XHR sync implementation that can be mixed into a Model or ModelList subclass.

This makes it trivial for your Model or ModelList subclasses communicate and transmit their data via RESTful XHRs. In most cases you'll only need to provide a value for root when sub-classing Y.Model.

Y.User = Y.Base.create('user', Y.Model, [Y.ModelSync.REST], {
    root: '/users'

Y.Users = Y.Base.create('users', Y.ModelList, [Y.ModelSync.REST], {
    // By convention Y.User's root will be used for the lists' URL.
    model: Y.User

var users = new Y.Users();

// GET users list from: "/users"
users.load(function () {
    var firstUser = users.item(0);

    firstUser.get('id'); // => "1"

    // PUT updated user data at: "/users/1"
    firstUser.set('name', 'Eric').save();



  • url
String protected

Defined in app/js/model-extensions/model-sync-rest.js:496

Available since 3.6.0

Joins the root URL to the specified url, normalizing leading/trailing "/" characters.


  • url String

    URL to append to the root URL.



Joined URL.


model.root = '/foo'
model._joinURL('bar');  // => '/foo/bar'
model._joinURL('/bar'); // => '/foo/bar'

model.root = '/foo/'
model._joinURL('bar');  // => '/foo/bar/'
model._joinURL('/bar'); // => '/foo/bar/'


  • txId
  • details

Defined in app/js/model-extensions/model-sync-rest.js:641

Available since 3.6.0

Called when the Y.io request has finished, after "success" or "failure" has been determined.

This is a no-op by default, but provides a hook for overriding.


  • txId String

    The Y.io transaction id.

  • details Object

    Extra details carried through from sync():

    • action String

      The sync action performed.

    • [callback] Function optional

      The function to call after syncing.

    • url String

      The URL of the requested resource.


  • txId
  • res
  • details

Defined in app/js/model-extensions/model-sync-rest.js:658

Available since 3.6.0

Called when the Y.io request has finished unsuccessfully.

By default this calls the details.callback function passing it the HTTP status code and message as an error object along with the response body.


  • txId String

    The Y.io transaction id.

  • res Object

    The Y.io response object.

  • details Object

    Extra details carried through from sync():

    • action String

      The sync action performed.

    • [callback] Function optional

      The function to call after syncing.

    • url String

      The URL of the requested resource.


  • txId
  • details

Defined in app/js/model-extensions/model-sync-rest.js:709

Available since 3.6.0

Called when the Y.io request is made.

This is a no-op by default, but provides a hook for overriding.


  • txId String

    The Y.io transaction id.

  • details Object

    Extra details carried through from sync():

    • action String

      The sync action performed.

    • [callback] Function optional

      The function to call after syncing.

    • url String

      The URL of the requested resource.


  • txId
  • res
  • details

Defined in app/js/model-extensions/model-sync-rest.js:685

Available since 3.6.0

Called when the Y.io request has finished successfully.

By default this calls the details.callback function passing it the response body.


  • txId String

    The Y.io transaction id.

  • res Object

    The Y.io response object.

  • details Object

    Extra details carried through from sync():

    • action String

      The sync action performed.

    • [callback] Function optional

      The function to call after syncing.

    • url String

      The URL of the requested resource.


  • response
Object | Object[] protected

Defined in app/js/model-extensions/model-sync-rest.js:534

Available since 3.7.0

Calls both public, overrideable methods: parseIOResponse(), then parse() and returns the result.

This will call into parseIOResponse(), if it's defined as a method, passing it the full response object from the XHR and using its return value to pass along to the parse(). This enables developers to easily parse data out of the response headers which should be used by the parse() method.


  • response Object

    Response object from Y.io().


Object | Object[]:

Attribute hash or Array of model attribute hashes.


  • config
Object protected

Defined in app/js/model-extensions/model-sync-rest.js:560

Available since 3.6.0

Performs the XHR and returns the resulting Y.io() request object.

This method is called by sync().


  • config Object

    An object with the following properties:

    • action String

      The sync() action being performed.

    • [callback] Function optional

      Called when the sync operation finishes.

    • [entity] String optional

      The HTTP request entity body.

    • headers Object

      The HTTP request headers.

    • method String

      The HTTP request method.

    • [timeout] Number optional

      Time until the HTTP request is aborted.

    • url String

      The URL of the HTTP resource.



The resulting Y.io() request object.


  • url
  • data
String protected

Defined in app/js/model-extensions/model-sync-rest.js:602

Available since 3.6.0

Utility which takes a tokenized url string and substitutes its placeholders using a specified data object.

This method will property URL-encode any values before substituting them. Also, only expect it to work with String and Number values.


  • url String

    Tokenized URL string to substitute placeholder values.

  • data Object

    Set of data to fill in the url's placeholders.



Substituted URL.


var url = this._substituteURL('/users/{name}', {id: 'Eric F'});
// => "/users/Eric%20F"


  • [action]
  • [options]

Defined in app/js/model-extensions/model-sync-rest.js:310

Available since 3.6.0

Returns the URL for this model or model list for the given action and options, if specified.

This method correctly handles the variations of root and url values and is called by the sync() method to get the URLs used to make the XHRs.

You can override this method if you need to provide a specific implementation for how the URLs of your Model and ModelList subclasses need to be generated.


  • [action] String optional

    Optional sync() action for which to generate the URL.

  • [options] Object optional

    Optional options which may be used to help generate the URL.



this model's or model list's URL for the the given action and options.


  • response

Defined in app/js/model-extensions/model-sync-rest.js:366

Available since 3.7.0

Called to parse the response object returned from Y.io(). This method receives the full response object and is expected to "prep" a response which is suitable to pass to the parse() method.

By default the response body is returned (responseText), because it usually represents the entire entity of this model on the server.

If you need to parse data out of the response's headers you should do so by overriding this method. If you'd like the entire response object from the XHR to be passed to your parse() method, you can simply assign this property to false.


  • response Object

    Response object from Y.io().



The modified response to pass along to the parse() method.


  • [action]

Defined in app/js/model-extensions/model-sync-rest.js:388

Available since 3.6.0

Serializes this model to be used as the HTTP request entity body.

By default this model will be serialized to a JSON string via its toJSON() method.

You can override this method when the HTTP server expects a different representation of this model's data that is different from the default JSON serialization. If you're sending and receive content other than JSON, be sure change the Accept and Content-Type HTTP_HEADERS as well.

Note: A model's toJSON() method can also be overridden. If you only need to modify which attributes are serialized to JSON, that's a better place to start.


  • [action] String optional

    Optional sync() action for which to generate the the serialized representation of this model.



serialized HTTP request entity body.


  • action
  • [options]
  • [callback]

Communicates with a RESTful HTTP server by sending and receiving data via XHRs. This method is called internally by load(), save(), and destroy().

The URL used for each XHR will be retrieved by calling the getURL() method and passing it the specified action and options.

This method relies heavily on standard RESTful HTTP conventions


  • action String

    Sync action to perform. May be one of the following:

    • create: Store a newly-created model for the first time.
    • delete: Delete an existing model.
    • read : Load an existing model.
    • update: Update an existing model.
  • [options] Object optional

    Sync options:

    • [csrfToken] String optional

      The authenticity token used by the server to verify the validity of this request and protected against CSRF attacks. This overrides the default value provided by the static CSRF_TOKEN property.

    • [headers] Object optional

      The HTTP headers to mix with the default headers specified by the static HTTP_HEADERS property.

    • [timeout] Number optional

      The number of milliseconds before the request will timeout and be aborted. This overrides the default provided by the static HTTP_TIMEOUT property.

  • [callback] Function optional

    Called when the sync operation finishes.

    • err Error | Null

      If an error occurred, this parameter will contain the error. If the sync operation succeeded, err will be falsy.

    • [response] Any optional

      The server's response.



Array protected static

Defined in app/js/model-extensions/model-sync-rest.js:155

Available since 3.6.0

Properties that shouldn't be turned into ad-hoc attributes when passed to a Model or ModelList constructor.

Default: ["root", "url"]


String static

Defined in app/js/model-extensions/model-sync-rest.js:48

Available since 3.6.0

A request authenticity token to validate HTTP requests made by this extension with the server when the request results in changing persistent state. This allows you to protect your server from Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks.

A CSRF token provided by the server can be embedded in the HTML document and assigned to YUI.Env.CSRF_TOKEN like this:

    YUI.Env.CSRF_TOKEN = {{session.authenticityToken}};

The above should come after YUI seed file so that YUI.Env will be defined.

Note: This can be overridden on a per-request basis. See sync() method.

When a value for the CSRF token is provided, either statically or via options passed to the save() and destroy() methods, the applicable HTTP requests will have a X-CSRF-Token header added with the token value.



Boolean static

Defined in app/js/model-extensions/model-sync-rest.js:76

Available since 3.6.0

Static flag to use the HTTP POST method instead of PUT or DELETE.

If the server-side HTTP framework isn't RESTful, setting this flag to true will cause all PUT and DELETE requests to instead use the POST HTTP method, and add a X-HTTP-Method-Override HTTP header with the value of the method type which was overridden.

Default: false


Object static

Defined in app/js/model-extensions/model-sync-rest.js:92

Available since 3.6.0

Default headers used with all XHRs.

By default the Accept and Content-Type headers are set to "application/json", this signals to the HTTP server to process the request bodies as JSON and send JSON responses. If you're sending and receiving content other than JSON, you can override these headers and the parse() and serialize() methods.

Note: These headers will be merged with any request-specific headers, and the request-specific headers will take precedence.

Default: { "Accept" : "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/json" }


Object static

Defined in app/js/model-extensions/model-sync-rest.js:119

Available since 3.6.0

Static mapping of RESTful HTTP methods corresponding to CRUD actions.

Default: { "create": "POST", "read" : "GET", "update": "PUT", "delete": "DELETE" }


Number static

Defined in app/js/model-extensions/model-sync-rest.js:141

Available since 3.6.0

The number of milliseconds before the XHRs will timeout/abort. This defaults to 30 seconds.

Note: This can be overridden on a per-request basis. See sync() method.

Default: 30000



Defined in app/js/model-extensions/model-sync-rest.js:172

Available since 3.6.0

A string which represents the root or collection part of the URL which relates to a Model or ModelList. Usually this value should be same for all instances of a specific Model/ModelList subclass.

When sub-classing Y.Model, usually you'll only need to override this property, which lets the URLs for the XHRs be generated by convention. If the root string ends with a trailing-slash, XHR URLs will also end with a "/", and if the root does not end with a slash, neither will the XHR URLs.

Default: ""


Y.User = Y.Base.create('user', Y.Model, [Y.ModelSync.REST], {
    root: '/users'

var currentUser, newUser;

// GET the user data from: "/users/123"
currentUser = new Y.User({id: '123'}).load();

// POST the new user data to: "/users"
newUser = new Y.User({name: 'Eric Ferraiuolo'}).save();

When sub-classing Y.ModelList, usually you'll want to ignore configuring the root and simply rely on the build-in convention of the list's generated URLs defaulting to the root specified by the list's model.



Defined in app/js/model-extensions/model-sync-rest.js:206

Available since 3.6.0

A string which specifies the URL to use when making XHRs, if not value is provided, the URLs used to make XHRs will be generated by convention.

While a url can be provided for each Model/ModelList instance, usually you'll want to either rely on the default convention or provide a tokenized string on the prototype which can be used for all instances.

When sub-classing Y.Model, you will probably be able to rely on the default convention of generating URLs in conjunction with the root property and whether the model is new or not (i.e. has an id). If the root property ends with a trailing-slash, the generated URL for the specific model will also end with a trailing-slash.

Default: ""


Y.User = Y.Base.create('user', Y.Model, [Y.ModelSync.REST], {
    root: '/users/'

var currentUser, newUser;

// GET the user data from: "/users/123/"
currentUser = new Y.User({id: '123'}).load();

// POST the new user data to: "/users/"
newUser = new Y.User({name: 'Eric Ferraiuolo'}).save();

If a url is specified, it will be processed by Y.Lang.sub(), which is useful when the URLs for a Model/ModelList subclass match a specific pattern and can use simple replacement tokens; e.g.:

Y.User = Y.Base.create('user', Y.Model, [Y.ModelSync.REST], {
    root: '/users',
    url : '/users/{username}'

Note: String subsitituion of the url only use string an number values provided by this object's attribute and/or the options passed to the getURL() method. Do not expect something fancy to happen with Object, Array, or Boolean values, they will simply be ignored.

If your URLs have plural roots or collection URLs, while the specific item resources are under a singular name, e.g. "/users" (plural) and "/user/123" (singular), you'll probably want to configure the root and url properties like this:

Y.User = Y.Base.create('user', Y.Model, [Y.ModelSync.REST], {
    root: '/users',
    url : '/user/{id}'

var currentUser, newUser;

// GET the user data from: "/user/123"
currentUser = new Y.User({id: '123'}).load();

// POST the new user data to: "/users"
newUser = new Y.User({name: 'Eric Ferraiuolo'}).save();

When sub-classing Y.ModelList, usually you'll be able to rely on the associated model to supply its root to be used as the model list's URL. If this needs to be customized, you can provide a simple string for the url property.

Y.Users = Y.Base.create('users', Y.ModelList, [Y.ModelSync.REST], {
    // Leverages Y.User's root, which is "/users".
    model: Y.User

// Or specified explicitly...

Y.Users = Y.Base.create('users', Y.ModelList, [Y.ModelSync.REST], {
    model: Y.User,
    url  : '/users'