API Docs for: 3.18.1

DataTable.HeaderView Class

Extends View
Module: datatable-head
Parent Module: datatable

Available since 3.5.0

View class responsible for rendering the <thead> section of a table. Used as the default headerView for Y.DataTable.Base and Y.DataTable classes.

Translates the provided array of column configuration objects into a rendered <thead> based on the data in those objects.

The structure of the column data is expected to be a single array of objects, where each object corresponds to a <th>. Those objects may contain a children property containing a similarly structured array to indicate the nested cells should be grouped under the parent column's colspan in a separate row of header cells. E.g.

new Y.DataTable.HeaderView({
  container: tableNode,
  columns: [
    { key: 'id' }, // no nesting
    { key: 'name', children: [
      { key: 'firstName', label: 'First' },
      { key: 'lastName',  label: 'Last' } ] }

This would translate to the following visualization:

| | name | | |---------------

| id | First | Last |

Supported properties of the column objects include:

  • label - The HTML content of the header cell.
  • key - If label is not specified, the key is used for content.
  • children - Array of columns to appear below this column in the next
  • headerTemplate - Overrides the instance's CELL_TEMPLATE for cells in this column only.
  • abbr - The content of the 'abbr' attribute of the <th>
  • title - The content of the 'title' attribute of the <th>
  • className - Adds this string of CSS classes to the column header

Through the life of instantiation and rendering, the column objects will have the following properties added to them:

  • id - (Defaulted by DataTable) The id to assign the rendered column
  • _colspan - To supply the <th> attribute
  • _rowspan - To supply the <th> attribute
  • _parent - (Added by DataTable) If the column is a child of another column, this points to its parent column

The column object is also used to provide values for {placeholder} tokens in the instance's CELL_TEMPLATE, so you can modify the template and include other column object properties to populate them.



  • cfgs
  • values
  • lazy

Implementation behind the public addAttrs method.

This method is invoked directly by get if it encounters a scenario in which an attribute's valueFn attempts to obtain the value an attribute in the same group of attributes, which has not yet been added (on demand initialization).


  • cfgs Object

    An object with attribute name/configuration pairs.

  • values Object

    An object with attribute name/value pairs, defining the initial values to apply. Values defined in the cfgs argument will be over-written by values in this argument unless defined as read only.

  • lazy Boolean

    Whether or not to delay the intialization of these attributes until the first call to get/set. Individual attributes can over-ride this behavior by defining a lazyAdd configuration property in their configuration. See addAttr.


  • name
  • [lazyCfg]

Finishes initializing an attribute which has been lazily added.


  • name Object

    The name of the attribute

  • [lazyCfg] Object optional

    Optional config hash for the attribute. This is added for performance along the critical path, where the calling method has already obtained lazy config from state.


  • name
  • cfg

Utility method used by get/set to add attributes encountered out of order when calling addAttrs().

For example, if:

     foo: {
         setter: function() {
            // make sure this bar is available when foo is added
     bar: {
         value: ...


  • name String

    attribute name

  • cfg Object

    attribute configuration


  • e

Defined in datatable/js/head.js:263

Available since 3.5.0

Handles changes in the source's columns attribute. Redraws the headers.



() protected

Inherited from View: app/js/view.js:357

Available since 3.5.0

Handles containerChange events. Detaches event handlers from the old container (if any) and attaches them to the new container.

Right now the container attr is initOnly so this event should only ever fire the first time the container is created, but in the future (once Y.App can handle it) we may allow runtime container changes.


  • allAttrs
Object private

A helper method, used by _initHierarchyData to aggregate attribute configuration across the instances class hierarchy.

The method will protect the attribute configuration value to protect the statically defined default value in ATTRS if required (if the value is an object literal, array or the attribute configuration has cloneDefaultValue set to shallow or deep).


  • allAttrs Array

    An array of ATTRS definitions across classes in the hierarchy (subclass first, Base last)



The aggregate set of ATTRS definitions for the instance


() private

Utility method to define the attribute hash used to filter/whitelist property mixes for this class for iteration performance reasons.


() private

Internal destroy implementation for BaseCore


() private

Internal initialization implementation for BaseCore


  • cfg

This method assumes that the value has already been checked to be an object. Since it's on a critical path, we don't want to re-do the check.



() Node protected

Defined in datatable/js/head.js:293

Available since 3.6.0

Creates the <thead> node that will store the header rows and cells.




  • e
  • eventFastPath

Default function for attribute change events.


  • e EventFacade

    The event object for attribute change events.

  • eventFastPath Boolean

    Whether or not we're using this as a fast path in the case of no listeners or not


  • e

Default destroy event handler



  • e

Default init event handler


  • e EventFacade

    Event object, with a cfg property which refers to the configuration object passed to the constructor.


() protected

Inherited from View: app/js/view.js:312

Removes the container from the DOM and purges all its event listeners.


() private

Destroys the class hierarchy for this instance by invoking the destructor method on the prototype of each class in the hierarchy.


  • allAttrs
  • userVals
Object private


  • allAttrs Object

    The set of all attribute configurations for this instance. Attributes will be removed from this set, if they belong to the filtered class, so that by the time all classes are processed, allCfgs will be empty.

  • userVals Object

    The config object passed in by the user, from which adhoc attrs are to be filtered.



The set of adhoc attributes passed in, in the form of an object with attribute name/configuration pairs.


  • attrName
  • subAttrName
  • currVal
  • newVal
  • opts
  • [cfg]

Utility method to help setup the event payload and fire the attribute change event.


  • attrName String

    The name of the attribute

  • subAttrName String

    The full path of the property being changed, if this is a sub-attribute value being change. Otherwise null.

  • currVal Any

    The current value of the attribute

  • newVal Any

    The new value of the attribute

  • opts Object

    Any additional event data to mix into the attribute change event's event facade.

  • [cfg] Object optional

    The attribute config stored in State, if already available.


  • name
Any protected chainable

Provides the common implementation for the public get method, allowing Attribute hosts to over-ride either method.

See get for argument details.


  • name String

    The name of the attribute.



The value of the attribute.


  • name
Object protected

Returns an object with the configuration properties (and value) for the given attribute. If attrName is not provided, returns the configuration properties for all attributes.


  • name String

    Optional. The attribute name. If not provided, the method will return the configuration for all attributes.



The configuration properties for the given attribute, or all attributes.


() Object protected

Returns an aggregated set of attribute configurations, by traversing the class hierarchy.



The hash of attribute configurations, aggregated across classes in the hierarchy This value is cached the first time the method, or _getClasses, is invoked. Subsequent invocations return the cached value.


  • attr
  • cfg
  • initValues
Any private

Returns the initial value of the given attribute from either the default configuration provided, or the over-ridden value if it exists in the set of initValues provided and the attribute is not read-only.


  • attr String

    The name of the attribute

  • cfg Object

    The attribute configuration object

  • initValues Object

    The object with simple and complex attribute name/value pairs returned from _normAttrVals



The initial value of the attribute.


  • attrs
Object protected

Implementation behind the public getAttrs method, to get multiple attribute values.


  • attrs String[] | Boolean

    Optional. An array of attribute names. If omitted, all attribute values are returned. If set to true, all attributes modified from their initial values are returned.



An object with attribute name/value pairs.


() Function[] protected

Returns the class hierarchy for this object, with BaseCore being the last class in the array.



An array of classes (constructor functions), making up the class hierarchy for this object. This value is cached the first time the method, or _getAttrCfgs, is invoked. Subsequent invocations return the cached value.


  • value
Node protected

Inherited from View: app/js/view.js:323

Available since 3.5.0

Getter for the container attribute.


  • value Node | Null

    Current attribute value.



Container node.


  • type
String private

Returns the fully qualified type, given a short type string. That is, returns "foo:bar" when given "bar" if "foo" is the configured prefix.

NOTE: This method, unlike _getType, does no checking of the value passed in, and is designed to be used with the low level _publish() method, for critical path implementations which need to fast-track publish for performance reasons.


  • type String

    The short type to prefix



The prefixed type, if a prefix is set, otherwise the type passed in


  • allCfgs
Object private

A helper method used to isolate the attrs config for this instance to pass to addAttrs, from the static cached ATTRS for the class.


  • allCfgs Object

    The set of all attribute configurations for this instance. Attributes will be removed from this set, if they belong to the filtered class, so that by the time all classes are processed, allCfgs will be empty.



The set of attributes to be added for this instance, suitable for passing through to addAttrs.


  • name
  • [cfg]
Any private

Gets the stored value for the attribute, from either the internal state object, or the state proxy if it exits


  • name String

    The name of the attribute

  • [cfg] Object optional

    Optional config hash for the attribute. This is added for performance along the critical path, where the calling method has already obtained the config from state.



The stored value of the attribute


() private

If the instance has a prefix attribute and the event type is not prefixed, the instance prefix is applied to the supplied type.


  • fullType
Boolean private


  • fullType String

    The fully prefixed type name



Whether the event has potential subscribers or not


  • attrs
  • values
  • lazy

Constructor logic for attributes. Initializes the host state, and sets up the inital attributes passed to the constructor.


  • attrs Object

    The attributes to add during construction (passed through to addAttrs). These can also be defined on the constructor being augmented with Attribute by defining the ATTRS property on the constructor.

  • values Object

    The initial attribute values to apply (passed through to addAttrs). These are not merged/cloned. The caller is responsible for isolating user provided values if required.

  • lazy Boolean

    Whether or not to add attributes lazily (passed through to addAttrs).


() private

Inherited from BaseObservable but overwritten in base/js/BaseCore.js:309

Initializes AttributeCore


  • attrs
  • values
  • lazy

Utility method to set up initial attributes defined during construction, either through the constructor.ATTRS property, or explicitly passed in.


  • attrs Object

    The attributes to add during construction (passed through to addAttrs). These can also be defined on the constructor being augmented with Attribute by defining the ATTRS property on the constructor.

  • values Object

    The initial attribute values to apply (passed through to addAttrs). These are not merged/cloned. The caller is responsible for isolating user provided values if required.

  • lazy Boolean

    Whether or not to add attributes lazily (passed through to addAttrs).


  • config

Internal construction logic for BaseCore.


  • config Object

    The constructor configuration object


  • userVals

Initializes the class hierarchy for the instance, which includes initializing attributes for each class defined in the class's static ATTRS property and invoking the initializer method on the prototype of each class in the hierarchy.


  • userVals Object

    Object with configuration property name/value pairs


() private

A helper method used by _getClasses and _getAttrCfgs, which determines both the array of classes and aggregate set of attribute configurations across the class hierarchy for the instance.


  • name
Boolean private

Checks whether or not the attribute is one which has been added lazily and still requires initialization.


  • name String

    The name of the attribute



true if it's a lazily added attribute, false otherwise.


  • what
  • eventType
  • o

This is the entry point for the event monitoring system. You can monitor 'attach', 'detach', 'fire', and 'publish'. When configured, these events generate an event. click -> click_attach, click_detach, click_publish -- these can be subscribed to like other events to monitor the event system. Inividual published events can have monitoring turned on or off (publish can't be turned off before it it published) by setting the events 'monitor' config.


  • what String

    'attach', 'detach', 'fire', or 'publish'

  • eventType String | CustomEvent

    The prefixed name of the event being monitored, or the CustomEvent object.

  • o Object

    Information about the event interaction, such as fire() args, subscription category, publish config


  • valueHash
Object private

Utility method to normalize attribute values. The base implementation simply merges the hash to protect the original.


  • valueHash Object

    An object with attribute name/value pairs



An object literal with 2 properties - "simple" and "complex", containing simple and complex attribute values respectively keyed by the top level attribute name, or null, if valueHash is falsey.


  • data
Array[] protected

Defined in datatable/js/head.js:348

Available since 3.5.0

Translate the input column format into a structure useful for rendering a <thead>, rows, and cells. The structure of the input is expected to be a single array of objects, where each object corresponds to a <th>. Those objects may contain a children property containing a similarly structured array to indicate the nested cells should be grouped under the parent column's colspan in a separate row of header cells. E.g.

  { key: 'id' }, // no nesting
  { key: 'name', children: [
    { key: 'firstName', label: 'First' },
    { key: 'lastName',  label: 'Last' } ] }

would indicate two header rows with the first column 'id' being assigned a rowspan of 2, the 'name' column appearing in the first row with a colspan of 2, and the 'firstName' and 'lastName' columns appearing in the second row, below the 'name' column.

| | name | | |---------------

| id | First | Last |

Supported properties of the column objects include:

  • label - The HTML content of the header cell.
  • key - If label is not specified, the key is used for content.
  • children - Array of columns to appear below this column in the next
  • abbr - The content of the 'abbr' attribute of the <th>
  • title - The content of the 'title' attribute of the <th>
  • headerTemplate - Overrides the instance's CELL_TEMPLATE for cells in this column only.

The output structure is basically a simulation of the <thead> structure with arrays for rows and objects for cells. Column objects have the following properties added to them:

  • id - (Defaulted by DataTable) The id to assign the rendered
  • _colspan - Per the <th> attribute
  • _rowspan - Per the <th> attribute
  • _parent - (Added by DataTable) If the column is a child of another column, this points to its parent column

The column object is also used to provide values for {placeholder} replacement in the CELL_TEMPLATE, so you can modify the template and include other column object properties to populate them.


  • data Object[]

    Array of column object data



An array of arrays corresponding to the header row structure to render


() private

Returns an array with the detach key (if provided), and the prefixed event name from _getType Y.on('detachcategory| menu:click', fn)


  • config

Handles the special on, after and target properties which allow the user to easily configure on and after listeners as well as bubble targets during construction, prior to init.


  • config Object

    The user configuration object


  • attrs
Object deprecated protected

Inherited from AttributeCore: attribute/js/AttributeCore.js:901

Deprecated: Use `AttributeCore.protectAttrs()` or `Attribute.protectAttrs()` which are the same static utility method.

Utility method to protect an attribute configuration hash, by merging the entire object and the individual attr config objects.


  • attrs Object

    A hash of attribute to configuration object pairs.



A protected version of the attrs argument.


  • fullType
  • etOpts
  • ceOpts
CustomEvent private

The low level event publish implementation. It expects all the massaging to have been done outside of this method. e.g. the type to fullType conversion. It's designed to be a fast path publish, which can be used by critical code paths to improve performance.


  • fullType String

    The prefixed type of the event to publish.

  • etOpts Object

    The EventTarget specific configuration to mix into the published event.

  • ceOpts Object

    The publish specific configuration to mix into the published event.



The published event. If called without etOpts or ceOpts, this will be the default CustomEvent instance, and can be configured independently.


  • name
  • val
  • [opts]
Object protected chainable

Allows setting of readOnly/writeOnce attributes. See set for argument details.


  • name String

    The name of the attribute.

  • val Any

    The value to set the attribute to.

  • [opts] Object optional

    Optional data providing the circumstances for the change.



A reference to the host object.


  • name
  • value
  • [opts]
  • force
Object protected chainable

Provides the common implementation for the public set and protected _set methods.

See set for argument details.


  • name String

    The name of the attribute.

  • value Any

    The value to set the attribute to.

  • [opts] Object optional

    Optional data providing the circumstances for the change.

  • force Boolean

    If true, allows the caller to set values for readOnly or writeOnce attributes which have already been set.



A reference to the host object.


  • attrs
  • [opts]
Object protected chainable

Implementation behind the public setAttrs method, to set multiple attribute values.


  • attrs Object

    An object with attributes name/value pairs.

  • [opts] Object optional

    Optional data providing the circumstances for the change



A reference to the host object.


  • attrName
  • subAttrName
  • prevVal
  • newVal
  • [opts]
  • [attrCfg]
Boolean private

Updates the stored value of the attribute in the privately held State object, if validation and setter passes.


  • attrName String

    The attribute name.

  • subAttrName String

    The sub-attribute name, if setting a sub-attribute property ("x.y.z").

  • prevVal Any

    The currently stored value of the attribute.

  • newVal Any

    The value which is going to be stored.

  • [opts] Object optional

    Optional data providing the circumstances for the change.

  • [attrCfg] Object optional

    Optional config hash for the attribute. This is added for performance along the critical path, where the calling method has already obtained the config from state.



true if the new attribute value was stored, false if not.


  • name
  • value

Sets the stored value for the attribute, in either the internal state object, or the state proxy if it exits


  • name String

    The name of the attribute

  • value Any

    The value of the attribute


  • name
  • config
  • lazy
Object chainable

Adds an attribute with the provided configuration to the host object.

The config argument object supports the following properties:

value <Any>
The initial value to set on the attribute
valueFn <Function | String>

A function, which will return the initial value to set on the attribute. This is useful for cases where the attribute configuration is defined statically, but needs to reference the host instance ("this") to obtain an initial value. If both the value and valueFn properties are defined, the value returned by the valueFn has precedence over the value property, unless it returns undefined, in which case the value property is used.

valueFn can also be set to a string, representing the name of the instance method to be used to retrieve the value.

readOnly <boolean>
Whether or not the attribute is read only. Attributes having readOnly set to true cannot be modified by invoking the set method.
writeOnce <boolean> or <string>
Whether or not the attribute is "write once". Attributes having writeOnce set to true, can only have their values set once, be it through the default configuration, constructor configuration arguments, or by invoking set.

The writeOnce attribute can also be set to the string "initOnly", in which case the attribute can only be set during initialization (when used with Base, this means it can only be set during construction)

setter <Function | String>

The setter function used to massage or normalize the value passed to the set method for the attribute. The value returned by the setter will be the final stored value. Returning Attribute.INVALID_VALUE, from the setter will prevent the value from being stored.

setter can also be set to a string, representing the name of the instance method to be used as the setter function.

getter <Function | String>

The getter function used to massage or normalize the value returned by the get method for the attribute. The value returned by the getter function is the value which will be returned to the user when they invoke get.

getter can also be set to a string, representing the name of the instance method to be used as the getter function.

validator <Function | String>

The validator function invoked prior to setting the stored value. Returning false from the validator function will prevent the value from being stored.

validator can also be set to a string, representing the name of the instance method to be used as the validator function.

lazyAdd <boolean>
Whether or not to delay initialization of the attribute until the first call to get/set it. This flag can be used to over-ride lazy initialization on a per attribute basis, when adding multiple attributes through the addAttrs method.

The setter, getter and validator are invoked with the value and name passed in as the first and second arguments, and with the context ("this") set to the host object.

Configuration properties outside of the list mentioned above are considered private properties used internally by attribute, and are not intended for public use.


  • name String

    The name of the attribute.

  • config Object

    An object with attribute configuration property/value pairs, specifying the configuration for the attribute.

    NOTE: The configuration object is modified when adding an attribute, so if you need to protect the original values, you will need to merge the object.

  • lazy Boolean

    (optional) Whether or not to add this attribute lazily (on the first call to get/set).



A reference to the host object.


  • cfgs
  • values
  • lazy
Object chainable

Configures a group of attributes, and sets initial values.

NOTE: This method does not isolate the configuration object by merging/cloning. The caller is responsible for merging/cloning the configuration object if required.


  • cfgs Object

    An object with attribute name/configuration pairs.

  • values Object

    An object with attribute name/value pairs, defining the initial values to apply. Values defined in the cfgs argument will be over-written by values in this argument unless defined as read only.

  • lazy Boolean

    Whether or not to delay the intialization of these attributes until the first call to get/set. Individual attributes can over-ride this behavior by defining a lazyAdd configuration property in their configuration. See addAttr.



A reference to the host object.


  • o

Registers another EventTarget as a bubble target. Bubble order is determined by the order registered. Multiple targets can be specified.

Events can only bubble if emitFacade is true.

Included in the event-custom-complex submodule.



  • type
  • fn
  • [context]
  • [arg*]

Subscribe to a custom event hosted by this object. The supplied callback will execute after any listeners add via the subscribe method, and after the default function, if configured for the event, has executed.


  • type String

    The name of the event

  • fn Function

    The callback to execute in response to the event

  • [context] Object optional

    Override this object in callback

  • [arg*] Any optional

    0..n additional arguments to supply to the subscriber



A subscription handle capable of detaching the subscription


  • [events]

Inherited from View: app/js/view.js:181

Attaches delegated event handlers to this view's container element. This method is called internally to subscribe to events configured in the events attribute when the view is initialized.

You may override this method to customize the event attaching logic.


  • [events] Object optional

    Hash of events to attach. See the docs for the events attribute for details on the format. If not specified, this view's events property will be used.


  • name

Checks if the given attribute has been added to the host


  • name String

    The name of the attribute to check.



true if an attribute with the given name has been added, false if it hasn't. This method will return true for lazily added attributes.



Executes the callback before a DOM event, custom event or method. If the first argument is a function, it is assumed the target is a method. For DOM and custom events, this is an alias for Y.on.

For DOM and custom events: type, callback, context, 0-n arguments

For methods: callback, object (method host), methodName, context, 0-n arguments


detach handle


() protected

Defined in datatable/js/head.js:277

Available since 3.5.0

Binds event subscriptions from the UI and the source (if assigned).


  • evt

Propagate an event. Requires the event-custom-complex module.




the aggregated return value from Event.Custom.fire


  • [container]

Inherited from View: app/js/view.js:233

Creates and returns a container node for this view.

By default, the container is created from the HTML template specified in the containerTemplate property, and is not added to the DOM automatically.

You may override this method to customize how the container node is created (such as by rendering it from a custom template format). Your method must return a Y.Node instance.


  • [container] HTMLElement | Node | String optional

    Selector string, Y.Node instance, or DOM element to use at the container node.



Node instance of the created container node.


  • [options]

Inherited from BaseObservable but overwritten in app/js/view.js:146

Destroys this View, detaching any DOM events and optionally also destroying its container node.

By default, the container node will not be destroyed. Pass an options object with a truthy remove property to destroy the container as well.


  • [options] Object optional


    • [remove=false] Boolean optional

      If true, this View's container will be removed from the DOM and destroyed as well.


() protected

Defined in datatable/js/head.js:307

Available since 3.5.0

Destroys the instance.


  • type
  • fn
  • context

Detach one or more listeners the from the specified event


  • type String | Object

    Either the handle to the subscriber or the type of event. If the type is not specified, it will attempt to remove the listener from all hosted events.

  • fn Function

    The subscribed function to unsubscribe, if not supplied, all subscribers will be removed.

  • context Object

    The custom object passed to subscribe. This is optional, but if supplied will be used to disambiguate multiple listeners that are the same (e.g., you subscribe many object using a function that lives on the prototype)



the host


  • type

Removes all listeners from the specified event. If the event type is not specified, all listeners from all hosted custom events will be removed.


  • type String

    The type, or name of the event


() chainable

Inherited from View: app/js/view.js:253

Detaches DOM events that have previously been attached to the container by attachEvents().


  • type
  • arguments

Fire a custom event by name. The callback functions will be executed from the context specified when the event was created, and with the following parameters.

The first argument is the event type, and any additional arguments are passed to the listeners as parameters. If the first of these is an object literal, and the event is configured to emit an event facade, that object is mixed into the event facade and the facade is provided in place of the original object.

If the custom event object hasn't been created, then the event hasn't been published and it has no subscribers. For performance sake, we immediate exit in this case. This means the event won't bubble, so if the intention is that a bubble target be notified, the event must be published on this object first.


  • type String | Object

    The type of the event, or an object that contains a 'type' property.

  • arguments Object*

    an arbitrary set of parameters to pass to the handler. If the first of these is an object literal and the event is configured to emit an event facade, the event facade will replace that parameter after the properties the object literal contains are copied to the event facade.



True if the whole lifecycle of the event went through, false if at any point the event propagation was halted.


  • name

Returns the current value of the attribute. If the attribute has been configured with a 'getter' function, this method will delegate to the 'getter' to obtain the value of the attribute.


  • name String

    The name of the attribute. If the value of the attribute is an Object, dot notation can be used to obtain the value of a property of the object (e.g. get("x.y.z"))



The value of the attribute


  • attrs

Gets multiple attribute values.


  • attrs String[] | Boolean

    Optional. An array of attribute names. If omitted, all attribute values are returned. If set to true, all attributes modified from their initial values are returned.



An object with attribute name/value pairs.


  • token
String protected

Returns the generated CSS classname based on the input. If the host attribute is configured, it will attempt to relay to its getClassName or use its static NAME property as a string base.

If host is absent or has neither method nor NAME, a CSS classname will be generated using this class's NAME.


  • token String multiple

    Any number of token strings to assemble the classname from.



  • type
  • prefixed

Returns the custom event of the provided type has been created, a falsy value otherwise


  • type String

    the type, or name of the event

  • prefixed String

    if true, the type is prefixed already



the custom event or null



Returns an array of bubble targets for this object.




  • cfg
BaseCore chainable

Inherited from BaseObservable but overwritten in base/js/BaseCore.js:319

Init lifecycle method, invoked during construction. Sets up attributes and invokes initializers for the class hierarchy.


  • cfg Object

    Object with configuration property name/value pairs



A reference to this object


  • config

Defined in datatable/js/head.js:330

Available since 3.5.0

Initializes the instance. Reads the following configuration properties:

  • columns - (REQUIRED) The initial column information
  • host - The object to serve as source of truth for column info


  • config Object

    Configuration data


  • name
  • config

Updates the configuration of an attribute which has already been added.

The properties which can be modified through this interface are limited to the following subset of attributes, which can be safely modified after a value has already been set on the attribute:

broadcast; and

Note: New attributes cannot be added using this interface. New attributes must be added using addAttr, or an appropriate manner for a class which utilises Attributes (e.g. the ATTRS property in Base).


  • name String

    The name of the attribute whose configuration is to be updated.

  • config Object

    An object with configuration property/value pairs, specifying the configuration properties to modify.


  • type
  • fn
  • [context]
  • [arg*]

Subscribe a callback function to a custom event fired by this object or from an object that bubbles its events to this object.

 this.on("change", this._onChange, this);

Callback functions for events published with emitFacade = true will receive an EventFacade as the first argument (typically named "e"). These callbacks can then call e.preventDefault() to disable the behavior published to that event's defaultFn. See the EventFacade API for all available properties and methods. Subscribers to non-emitFacade events will receive the arguments passed to fire() after the event name.

To subscribe to multiple events at once, pass an object as the first argument, where the key:value pairs correspond to the eventName:callback.

     "attrChange" : this._onAttrChange,
     "change"     : this._onChange

You can also pass an array of event names as the first argument to subscribe to all listed events with the same callback.

 this.on([ "change", "attrChange" ], this._onChange);

Returning false from a callback is supported as an alternative to calling e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation();. However, it is recommended to use the event methods whenever possible.


  • type String

    The name of the event

  • fn Function

    The callback to execute in response to the event

  • [context] Object optional

    Override this object in callback

  • [arg*] Any optional

    0..n additional arguments to supply to the subscriber



A subscription handle capable of detaching that subscription


  • type
  • fn
  • [context]
  • [arg*]

Listen to a custom event hosted by this object one time. This is the equivalent to on except the listener is immediatelly detached when it is executed.


  • type String

    The name of the event

  • fn Function

    The callback to execute in response to the event

  • [context] Object optional

    Override this object in callback

  • [arg*] Any optional

    0..n additional arguments to supply to the subscriber



A subscription handle capable of detaching the subscription


  • type
  • fn
  • [context]
  • [arg*]

Listen to a custom event hosted by this object one time. This is the equivalent to after except the listener is immediatelly detached when it is executed.


  • type String

    The name of the event

  • fn Function

    The callback to execute in response to the event

  • [context] Object optional

    Override this object in callback

  • [arg*] Any optional

    0..n additional arguments to supply to the subscriber



A subscription handle capable of detaching that subscription


  • type
  • [pre]

Inherited from EventTarget: event-custom/js/event-target.js:168

Available since 3.3.0

Takes the type parameter passed to 'on' and parses out the various pieces that could be included in the type. If the event type is passed without a prefix, it will be expanded to include the prefix one is supplied or the event target is configured with a default prefix.


  • type String

    the type

  • [pre] String optional

    The prefix. Defaults to this._yuievt.config.prefix



an array containing:

  • the detach category, if supplied,
  • the prefixed event type,
  • whether or not this is an after listener,
  • the supplied event type


  • type
  • opts

Creates a new custom event of the specified type. If a custom event by that name already exists, it will not be re-created. In either case the custom event is returned.


  • type String

    the type, or name of the event

  • opts Object

    optional config params. Valid properties are:

    • [broadcast=false] Boolean optional

      whether or not the YUI instance and YUI global are notified when the event is fired.

    • [bubbles=true] Boolean optional

      Whether or not this event bubbles. Events can only bubble if emitFacade is true.

    • [context=this] Object optional

      the default execution context for the listeners.

    • [defaultFn] Function optional

      the default function to execute when this event fires if preventDefault was not called.

    • [emitFacade=false] Boolean optional

      whether or not this event emits a facade.

    • [prefix] String optional

      the prefix for this targets events, e.g., 'menu' in 'menu:click'.

    • [fireOnce=false] Boolean optional

      if an event is configured to fire once, new subscribers after the fire will be notified immediately.

    • [async=false] Boolean optional

      fireOnce event listeners will fire synchronously if the event has already fired unless async is true.

    • [preventable=true] Boolean optional

      whether or not preventDefault() has an effect.

    • [preventedFn] Function optional

      a function that is executed when preventDefault() is called.

    • [queuable=false] Boolean optional

      whether or not this event can be queued during bubbling.

    • [silent] Boolean optional

      if silent is true, debug messages are not provided for this event.

    • [stoppedFn] Function optional

      a function that is executed when stopPropagation is called.

    • [monitored] Boolean optional

      specifies whether or not this event should send notifications about when the event has been attached, detached, or published.

    • [type] String optional

      the event type (valid option if not provided as the first parameter to publish).



the custom event


() chainable

Inherited from View: app/js/view.js:272

Removes this view's container element from the DOM (if it's in the DOM), but doesn't destroy it or any event listeners attached to it.


  • name

Removes an attribute from the host object


  • name String

    The name of the attribute to be removed.


  • o

Removes a bubble target



() chainable

Inherited from View but overwritten in datatable/js/head.js:175

Available since 3.5.0

Creates the <thead> Node content by assembling markup generated by populating the ROW_TEMPLATE and CELL_TEMPLATE templates with content from the columns property.


  • name
Object chainable

Resets the attribute (or all attributes) to its initial value, as long as the attribute is not readOnly, or writeOnce.


  • name String

    Optional. The name of the attribute to reset. If omitted, all attributes are reset.



A reference to the host object.


  • name
  • value
  • [opts]
Object chainable

Sets the value of an attribute.


  • name String

    The name of the attribute. If the current value of the attribute is an Object, dot notation can be used to set the value of a property within the object (e.g. set("x.y.z", 5)).

  • value Any

    The value to set the attribute to.

  • [opts] Object optional

    Optional data providing the circumstances for the change.



A reference to the host object.


  • attrs
  • [opts]
Object chainable

Sets multiple attribute values.


  • attrs Object

    An object with attributes name/value pairs.

  • [opts] Object optional

    Optional data providing the circumstances for the change.



A reference to the host object.


() deprecated

Inherited from EventTarget: event-custom/js/event-target.js:346

Deprecated: use on

subscribe to an event


() String

Default toString implementation. Provides the constructor NAME and the instance guid, if set.



String representation for this object


() deprecated

Inherited from EventTarget: event-custom/js/event-target.js:469

Deprecated: use detach

detach a listener


  • type

Inherited from EventTarget: event-custom/js/event-target.js:490

Deprecated: use detachAll

Removes all listeners from the specified event. If the event type is not specified, all listeners from all hosted custom events will be removed.


  • type String

    The type, or name of the event



Boolean protected

Inherited from BaseCore but overwritten in app/js/view.js:111

Available since 3.5.0

This tells Y.Base that it should create ad-hoc attributes for config properties passed to View's constructor. This makes it possible to instantiate a view and set a bunch of attributes without having to subclass Y.View and declare all those attributes first.

Default: true


Object protected

Defined in datatable/js/head.js:318

Available since 3.5.0

Holds the event subscriptions needing to be detached when the instance is destroy()ed.

Default: undefined (initially unset)



Defined in datatable/js/head.js:83

Available since 3.5.0

Template used to create the table's header cell markup. Override this to customize how header cell markup is created.

Default: '<th id="{id}" colspan="{_colspan}" rowspan="{_rowspan}" class="{className}" scope="col" {_id}{abbr}{title}>{content}</th>'



Defined in datatable/js/head.js:95

Available since 3.5.0

The data representation of the header rows to render. This is assigned by parsing the columns configuration array, and is used by the render() method.

Default: (initially unset)



Inherited from View: app/js/view.js:40

Available since 3.5.0

Template for this view's container.

Default: "<div/>"



Inherited from View: app/js/view.js:50

Hash of CSS selectors mapped to events to delegate to elements matching those selectors.

CSS selectors are relative to the container element. Events are attached to the container, and delegation is used so that subscribers are only notified of events that occur on elements inside the container that match the specified selectors. This allows the container's contents to be re- rendered as needed without losing event subscriptions.

Event handlers can be specified either as functions or as strings that map to function names on this view instance or its prototype.

The this object in event handlers will refer to this view instance. If you'd prefer this to be something else, use Y.bind() to bind a custom this object.

Default: {}


var view = new Y.View({
    events: {
        // Call this.toggle() whenever the element with the id
        // "toggle-button" is clicked.
        '#toggle-button': {click: 'toggle'},

        // Call this.hoverOn() when the mouse moves over any element
        // with the "hoverable" class, and this.hoverOff() when the
        // mouse moves out of any element with the "hoverable" class.
        '.hoverable': {
            mouseover: 'hoverOn',
            mouseout : 'hoverOff'


String deprecated

Inherited from BaseCore: base/js/BaseCore.js:297

Deprecated: Use this.constructor.NAME

The string used to identify the class of this object.



Defined in datatable/js/head.js:108

Available since 3.5.0

Template used to create the table's header row markup. Override this to customize the row markup.

Default: '<tr>{content}</tr>'



Defined in datatable/js/head.js:120

Available since 3.5.0

The object that serves as the source of truth for column and row data. This property is assigned at instantiation from the source property of the configuration object passed to the constructor.

Default: (initially unset)



Inherited from View: app/js/view.js:91

Template for this view's contents.

This is a convenience property that has no default behavior of its own. It's only provided as a convention to allow you to store whatever you consider to be a template, whether that's an HTML string, a Y.Node instance, a Mustache template, or anything else your little heart desires.

How this template gets used is entirely up to you and your custom render() method.

Default: ''



Defined in datatable/js/head.js:133

Available since 3.6.0

HTML templates used to create the <thead> containing the table headers.

Default: '<thead class="{className}">{content}</thead>'



HTMLElement | Node | String

Inherited from View: app/js/view.js:376

Container node into which this view's content will be rendered.

The container node serves as the host for all DOM events attached by the view. Delegation is used to handle events on children of the container, allowing the container's contents to be re-rendered at any time without losing event subscriptions.

The default container is a <div> Node, but you can override this in a subclass, or by passing in a custom container config value at instantiation time. If you override the default container in a subclass using ATTRS, you must use the valueFn property. The view's constructor will ignore any assignments using value.

When container is overridden by a subclass or passed as a config option at instantiation time, you can provide it as a selector string, a DOM element, a Y.Node instance, or (if you are subclassing and modifying the attribute), a valueFn function that returns a Y.Node instance. The value will be converted into a Y.Node instance if it isn't one already.

The container is not added to the page automatically. This allows you to have full control over how and when your view is actually rendered to the page.

Default: Y.Node.create(this.containerTemplate)

Fires event containerChange

Fires when the value for the configuration attribute container is changed. You can listen for the event using the on method if you wish to be notified before the attribute's value has changed, or using the after method if you wish to be notified after the attribute's value has changed.


  • e EventFacade
    An Event Facade object with the following attribute-specific properties added:
    • prevVal Any
      The value of the attribute, prior to it being set.
    • newVal Any
      The value the attribute is to be set to.
    • attrName String
      The name of the attribute being set.
    • subAttrName String
      If setting a property within the attribute's value, the name of the sub-attribute property being set.


Boolean readonly

Flag indicating whether or not this object has been through the destroy lifecycle phase.

Default: false

Fires event destroyedChange

Fires when the value for the configuration attribute destroyed is changed. You can listen for the event using the on method if you wish to be notified before the attribute's value has changed, or using the after method if you wish to be notified after the attribute's value has changed.


  • e EventFacade
    An Event Facade object with the following attribute-specific properties added:
    • prevVal Any
      The value of the attribute, prior to it being set.
    • newVal Any
      The value the attribute is to be set to.
    • attrName String
      The name of the attribute being set.
    • subAttrName String
      If setting a property within the attribute's value, the name of the sub-attribute property being set.


Boolean readonly

Flag indicating whether or not this object has been through the init lifecycle phase.

Default: false

Fires event initializedChange

Fires when the value for the configuration attribute initialized is changed. You can listen for the event using the on method if you wish to be notified before the attribute's value has changed, or using the after method if you wish to be notified after the attribute's value has changed.


  • e EventFacade
    An Event Facade object with the following attribute-specific properties added:
    • prevVal Any
      The value of the attribute, prior to it being set.
    • newVal Any
      The value the attribute is to be set to.
    • attrName String
      The name of the attribute being set.
    • subAttrName String
      If setting a property within the attribute's value, the name of the sub-attribute property being set.



Lifecycle event for the destroy phase, fired prior to destruction. Invoking the preventDefault method on the event object provided to subscribers will prevent destruction from proceeding.

Subscribers to the "after" moment of this event, will be notified after destruction is complete (and as a result cannot prevent destruction).

Event Payload:


Lifecycle event for the init phase, fired prior to initialization. Invoking the preventDefault() method on the event object provided to subscribers will prevent initialization from occuring.

Subscribers to the "after" momemt of this event, will be notified after initialization of the object is complete (and therefore cannot prevent initialization).

Event Payload:

  • e EventFacade

    Event object, with a cfg property which refers to the configuration object passed to the constructor.