API Docs for: 3.18.1

event Module

The event utility provides functions to add and remove event listeners, event cleansing. It also tries to automatically remove listeners it registers during the unload event.

This module is a rollup of the following modules:

  • event-base
    DOM event listener abstraction layer
  • event-delegate
    Adds event delegation support to the library.
  • event-focus
    Adds bubbling and delegation support to DOM events focus and blur.
  • event-hover
    Adds support for a "hover" event. The event provides a convenience wrapper for subscribing separately to mouseenter and mouseleave. The signature for subscribing to the event is

    node.on("hover", overFn, outFn);
    node.delegate("hover", overFn, outFn, ".filterSelector");
    Y.on("hover", overFn, outFn, ".targetSelector");
    Y.delegate("hover", overFn, outFn, "#container", ".filterSelector");

    Additionally, for compatibility with a more typical subscription signature, the following are also supported:

    Y.on("hover", overFn, ".targetSelector", outFn);
    Y.delegate("hover", overFn, "#container", outFn, ".filterSelector");
  • event-key
    Functionality to listen for one or more specific key combinations.
  • event-mouseenter

    Adds subscription and delegation support for mouseenter and mouseleave events. Unlike mouseover and mouseout, these events aren't fired from child elements of a subscribed node.

    This avoids receiving three mouseover notifications from a setup like

    div#container > p > a[href]


    Y.one('#container').on('mouseover', callback)

    When the mouse moves over the link, one mouseover event is fired from #container, then when the mouse moves over the p, another mouseover event is fired and bubbles to #container, causing a second notification, and finally when the mouse moves over the link, a third mouseover event is fired and bubbles to #container for a third notification.

    By contrast, using mouseenter instead of mouseover, the callback would be executed only once when the mouse moves over #container.

  • event-mousewheel
    Adds mousewheel event support
  • event-outside
    Outside events are synthetic DOM events that fire when a corresponding native or synthetic DOM event occurs outside a bound element. The following outside events are pre-defined by this module:
    • blur
    • change
    • click
    • dblclick
    • focus
    • keydown
    • keypress
    • keyup
    • mousedown
    • mousemove
    • mouseout
    • mouseover
    • mouseup
    • select
    • submit
    Define new outside events with Y.Event.defineOutside(eventType);. By default, the created synthetic event name will be the name of the event with "outside" appended (e.g. "click" becomes "clickoutside"). If you want a different name for the created Event, pass it as a second argument like so: Y.Event.defineOutside(eventType, "yonderclick"). This module was contributed by Brett Stimmerman, promoted from his gallery-outside-events module at http://yuilibrary.com/gallery/show/outside-events
  • event-resize
    Adds a window resize event that has its behavior normalized to fire at the end of the resize rather than constantly during the resize.
  • event-synthetic
    Define new DOM events that can be subscribed to from Nodes.
  • event-tap
    The tap module provides a gesture events, "tap", which normalizes user interactions across touch and mouse or pointer based input devices. This can be used by application developers to build input device agnostic components which behave the same in response to either touch or mouse based interaction. 'tap' is like a touchscreen 'click', only it requires much less finger-down time since it listens to touch events, but reverts to mouse events if touch is not supported.
  • event-touch
    Adds touch event facade normalization properties (touches, changedTouches, targetTouches etc.) to the DOM event facade. Adds touch events to the DOM events whitelist.