API Docs for: 3.18.1

File: event-valuechange/js/event-valuechange.js

Adds a synthetic `valuechange` event that fires when the `value` property of an
`<input>`, `<textarea>`, `<select>`, or `[contenteditable="true"]` node changes
as a result of a keystroke, mouse operation, or input method editor (IME)
input event.


    YUI().use('event-valuechange', function (Y) {
        Y.one('#my-input').on('valuechange', function (e) {
            Y.log('previous value: ' + e.prevVal);
            Y.log('new value: ' + e.newVal);

@module event-valuechange

Provides the implementation for the synthetic `valuechange` event. This class
isn't meant to be used directly, but is public to make monkeypatching possible.


    YUI().use('event-valuechange', function (Y) {
        Y.one('#my-input').on('valuechange', function (e) {
            Y.log('previous value: ' + e.prevVal);
            Y.log('new value: ' + e.newVal);

@class ValueChange

var DATA_KEY = '_valuechange',
    VALUE    = 'value',
    NODE_NAME = 'nodeName',

    config, // defined at the end of this file

// Just a simple namespace to make methods overridable.
VC = {
    // -- Static Constants -----------------------------------------------------

    Interval (in milliseconds) at which to poll for changes to the value of an
    element with one or more `valuechange` subscribers when the user is likely
    to be interacting with it.

    @property POLL_INTERVAL
    @type Number
    @default 50

    Timeout (in milliseconds) after which to stop polling when there hasn't been
    any new activity (keypresses, mouse clicks, etc.) on an element.

    @property TIMEOUT
    @type Number
    @default 10000
    TIMEOUT: 10000,

    // -- Protected Static Methods ---------------------------------------------

    Called at an interval to poll for changes to the value of the specified

    @method _poll
    @param {Node} node Node to poll.

    @param {Object} options Options object.
        @param {EventFacade} [options.e] Event facade of the event that
            initiated the polling.

    _poll: function (node, options) {
        var domNode  = node._node, // performance cheat; getValue() is a big hit when polling
            event    = options.e,
            vcData   = node._data && node._data[DATA_KEY], // another perf cheat
            stopped  = 0,
            facade, prevVal, newVal, nodeName, selectedOption, stopElement;

        if (!(domNode && vcData)) {
            Y.log('_poll: node #' + node.get('id') + ' disappeared; stopping polling and removing all notifiers.', 'warn', 'event-valuechange');

        prevVal = vcData.prevVal;
        nodeName  = vcData.nodeName;

        if (vcData.isEditable) {
            // Use innerHTML for performance
            newVal = domNode.innerHTML;
        } else if (nodeName === 'input' || nodeName === 'textarea') {
            // Use value property for performance
            newVal = domNode.value;
        } else if (nodeName === 'select') {
            // Back-compatibility with IE6 <select> element values.
            // Huge performance cheat to get past node.get('value').
            selectedOption = domNode.options[domNode.selectedIndex];
            newVal = selectedOption.value || selectedOption.text;

        if (newVal !== prevVal) {
            vcData.prevVal = newVal;

            facade = {
                _event       : event,
                currentTarget: (event && event.currentTarget) || node,
                newVal       : newVal,
                prevVal      : prevVal,
                target       : (event && event.target) || node

            Y.Object.some(vcData.notifiers, function (notifier) {
                var evt = notifier.handle.evt,

                // support e.stopPropagation()
                if (stopped !== 1) {
                } else if (evt.el === stopElement) {

                newStopped = evt && evt._facade ? evt._facade.stopped : 0;

                // need to consider the condition in which there are two
                // listeners on the same element:
                // listener 1 calls e.stopPropagation()
                // listener 2 calls e.stopImmediatePropagation()
                if (newStopped > stopped) {
                    stopped = newStopped;

                    if (stopped === 1) {
                        stopElement = evt.el;

                // support e.stopImmediatePropagation()
                if (stopped === 2) {
                    return true;


    Restarts the inactivity timeout for the specified node.

    @method _refreshTimeout
    @param {Node} node Node to refresh.
    @param {SyntheticEvent.Notifier} notifier
    _refreshTimeout: function (node, notifier) {
        // The node may have been destroyed, so check that it still exists
        // before trying to get its data. Otherwise an error will occur.
        if (!node._node) {
            Y.log('_stopPolling: node disappeared', 'warn', 'event-valuechange');

        var vcData = node.getData(DATA_KEY);

        VC._stopTimeout(node); // avoid dupes

        // If we don't see any changes within the timeout period (10 seconds by
        // default), stop polling.
        vcData.timeout = setTimeout(function () {
            Y.log('timeout: #' + node.get('id'), 'info', 'event-valuechange');
            VC._stopPolling(node, notifier);
        }, VC.TIMEOUT);

        Y.log('_refreshTimeout: #' + node.get('id'), 'info', 'event-valuechange');

    Begins polling for changes to the `value` property of the specified node. If
    polling is already underway for the specified node, it will not be restarted
    unless the `force` option is `true`

    @method _startPolling
    @param {Node} node Node to watch.
    @param {SyntheticEvent.Notifier} notifier

    @param {Object} options Options object.
        @param {EventFacade} [options.e] Event facade of the event that
            initiated the polling.
        @param {Boolean} [options.force=false] If `true`, polling will be
            restarted even if we're already polling this node.

    _startPolling: function (node, notifier, options) {
        var vcData, isEditable;

        if (!node.test('input,textarea,select') && !(isEditable = VC._isEditable(node))) {
            Y.log('_startPolling: aborting poll on #' + node.get('id') + ' -- not a detectable node', 'warn', 'event-valuechange');

        vcData = node.getData(DATA_KEY);

        if (!vcData) {
            vcData = {
                nodeName   : node.get(NODE_NAME).toLowerCase(),
                isEditable : isEditable,
                prevVal    : isEditable ? node.getDOMNode().innerHTML : node.get(VALUE)

            node.setData(DATA_KEY, vcData);

        vcData.notifiers || (vcData.notifiers = {});

        // Don't bother continuing if we're already polling this node, unless
        // `options.force` is true.
        if (vcData.interval) {
            if (options.force) {
                VC._stopPolling(node, notifier); // restart polling, but avoid dupe polls
            } else {
                vcData.notifiers[Y.stamp(notifier)] = notifier;

        // Poll for changes to the node's value. We can't rely on keyboard
        // events for this, since the value may change due to a mouse-initiated
        // paste event, an IME input event, or for some other reason that
        // doesn't trigger a key event.
        vcData.notifiers[Y.stamp(notifier)] = notifier;

        vcData.interval = setInterval(function () {
            VC._poll(node, options);
        }, VC.POLL_INTERVAL);

        Y.log('_startPolling: #' + node.get('id'), 'info', 'event-valuechange');

        VC._refreshTimeout(node, notifier);

    Stops polling for changes to the specified node's `value` attribute.

    @method _stopPolling
    @param {Node} node Node to stop polling on.
    @param {SyntheticEvent.Notifier} [notifier] Notifier to remove from the
        node. If not specified, all notifiers will be removed.
    _stopPolling: function (node, notifier) {
        // The node may have been destroyed, so check that it still exists
        // before trying to get its data. Otherwise an error will occur.
        if (!node._node) {
            Y.log('_stopPolling: node disappeared', 'info', 'event-valuechange');

        var vcData = node.getData(DATA_KEY) || {};

        delete vcData.interval;


        if (notifier) {
            vcData.notifiers && delete vcData.notifiers[Y.stamp(notifier)];
        } else {
            vcData.notifiers = {};

        Y.log('_stopPolling: #' + node.get('id'), 'info', 'event-valuechange');

    Clears the inactivity timeout for the specified node, if any.

    @method _stopTimeout
    @param {Node} node
    _stopTimeout: function (node) {
        var vcData = node.getData(DATA_KEY) || {};

        delete vcData.timeout;

    Check to see if a node has editable content or not.

    TODO: Add additional checks to get it to work for child nodes
    that inherit "contenteditable" from parent nodes. This may be
    too computationally intensive to be placed inside of the `_poll`
    loop, however.

    @method _isEditable
    @param {Node} node
    _isEditable: function (node) {
        // Performance cheat because this is used inside `_poll`
        var domNode = node._node;
        return domNode.contentEditable === 'true' ||
               domNode.contentEditable === '';

    // -- Protected Static Event Handlers --------------------------------------

    Stops polling when a node's blur event fires.

    @method _onBlur
    @param {EventFacade} e
    @param {SyntheticEvent.Notifier} notifier
    _onBlur: function (e, notifier) {
        VC._stopPolling(e.currentTarget, notifier);

    Resets a node's history and starts polling when a focus event occurs.

    @method _onFocus
    @param {EventFacade} e
    @param {SyntheticEvent.Notifier} notifier
    _onFocus: function (e, notifier) {
        var node       = e.currentTarget,
            vcData     = node.getData(DATA_KEY);

        if (!vcData) {
            vcData = {
                isEditable : VC._isEditable(node),
                nodeName   : node.get(NODE_NAME).toLowerCase()
            node.setData(DATA_KEY, vcData);

        vcData.prevVal = vcData.isEditable ? node.getDOMNode().innerHTML : node.get(VALUE);

        VC._startPolling(node, notifier, {e: e});

    Starts polling when a node receives a keyDown event.

    @method _onKeyDown
    @param {EventFacade} e
    @param {SyntheticEvent.Notifier} notifier
    _onKeyDown: function (e, notifier) {
        VC._startPolling(e.currentTarget, notifier, {e: e});

    Starts polling when an IME-related keyUp event occurs on a node.

    @method _onKeyUp
    @param {EventFacade} e
    @param {SyntheticEvent.Notifier} notifier
    _onKeyUp: function (e, notifier) {
        // These charCodes indicate that an IME has started. We'll restart
        // polling and give the IME up to 10 seconds (by default) to finish.
        if (e.charCode === 229 || e.charCode === 197) {
            VC._startPolling(e.currentTarget, notifier, {
                e    : e,
                force: true

    Starts polling when a node receives a mouseDown event.

    @method _onMouseDown
    @param {EventFacade} e
    @param {SyntheticEvent.Notifier} notifier
    _onMouseDown: function (e, notifier) {
        VC._startPolling(e.currentTarget, notifier, {e: e});

    Called when the `valuechange` event receives a new subscriber.

    Child nodes that aren't initially available when this subscription is
    called will still fire the `valuechange` event after their data is
    collected when the delegated `focus` event is captured. This includes
    elements that haven't been inserted into the DOM yet, as well as
    elements that aren't initially `contenteditable`.

    @method _onSubscribe
    @param {Node} node
    @param {Subscription} sub
    @param {SyntheticEvent.Notifier} notifier
    @param {Function|String} [filter] Filter function or selector string. Only
        provided for delegate subscriptions.
    _onSubscribe: function (node, sub, notifier, filter) {
        var _valuechange, callbacks, isEditable, inputNodes, editableNodes;

        callbacks = {
            blur     : VC._onBlur,
            focus    : VC._onFocus,
            keydown  : VC._onKeyDown,
            keyup    : VC._onKeyUp,
            mousedown: VC._onMouseDown

        // Store a utility object on the notifier to hold stuff that needs to be
        // passed around to trigger event handlers, polling handlers, etc.
        _valuechange = notifier._valuechange = {};

        if (filter) {
            // If a filter is provided, then this is a delegated subscription.
            _valuechange.delegated = true;

            // Add a function to the notifier that we can use to find all
            // nodes that pass the delegate filter.
            _valuechange.getNodes = function () {
                inputNodes    = node.all('input,textarea,select').filter(filter);
                editableNodes = node.all('[contenteditable="true"],[contenteditable=""]').filter(filter);

                return inputNodes.concat(editableNodes);

            // Store the initial values for each descendant of the container
            // node that passes the delegate filter.
            _valuechange.getNodes().each(function (child) {
                if (!child.getData(DATA_KEY)) {
                    child.setData(DATA_KEY, {
                        nodeName   : child.get(NODE_NAME).toLowerCase(),
                        isEditable : VC._isEditable(child),
                        prevVal    : isEditable ? child.getDOMNode().innerHTML : child.get(VALUE)

            notifier._handles = Y.delegate(callbacks, node, filter, null,
        } else {
            isEditable = VC._isEditable(node);
            // This is a normal (non-delegated) event subscription.
            if (!node.test('input,textarea,select') && !isEditable) {

            if (!node.getData(DATA_KEY)) {
                node.setData(DATA_KEY, {
                    nodeName   : node.get(NODE_NAME).toLowerCase(),
                    isEditable : isEditable,
                    prevVal    : isEditable ? node.getDOMNode().innerHTML : node.get(VALUE)

            notifier._handles = node.on(callbacks, null, null, notifier);

    Called when the `valuechange` event loses a subscriber.

    @method _onUnsubscribe
    @param {Node} node
    @param {Subscription} subscription
    @param {SyntheticEvent.Notifier} notifier
    _onUnsubscribe: function (node, subscription, notifier) {
        var _valuechange = notifier._valuechange;

        notifier._handles && notifier._handles.detach();

        if (_valuechange.delegated) {
            _valuechange.getNodes().each(function (child) {
                VC._stopPolling(child, notifier);
        } else {
            VC._stopPolling(node, notifier);

Synthetic event that fires when the `value` property of an `<input>`,
`<textarea>`, `<select>`, or `[contenteditable="true"]` node changes as a
result of a user-initiated keystroke, mouse operation, or input method
editor (IME) input event.

Unlike the `onchange` event, this event fires when the value actually changes
and not when the element loses focus. This event also reports IME and
multi-stroke input more reliably than `oninput` or the various key events across

For performance reasons, only focused nodes are monitored for changes, so
programmatic value changes on nodes that don't have focus won't be detected.


    YUI().use('event-valuechange', function (Y) {
        Y.one('#my-input').on('valuechange', function (e) {
            Y.log('previous value: ' + e.prevVal);
            Y.log('new value: ' + e.newVal);

@event valuechange
@param {String} prevVal Previous value prior to the latest change.
@param {String} newVal New value after the latest change.
@for YUI

config = {
    detach: VC._onUnsubscribe,
    on    : VC._onSubscribe,

    delegate      : VC._onSubscribe,
    detachDelegate: VC._onUnsubscribe,

    publishConfig: {
        emitFacade: true

Y.Event.define('valuechange', config);
Y.Event.define('valueChange', config); // deprecated, but supported for backcompat

Y.ValueChange = VC;